The anime is being produced by KaKa Creation, a young company based in Tokyo that specializes in AI-assisted animation.
Caca creation
The anime is being produced by KaKa Creation, a young company based in Tokyo that specializes in AI-assisted animation.
Caca creation
As if I needed more of an excuse to hate modern anime
why draw your own anime when you can just steal 1% of everyone elses anime?
Watched the video and they're showing off traditional animation for actual motion and 3d animation for dancing as is typical in the idol genre. Looks like AI is mostly going to be for backgrounds and lip-flips, which I'd hardly call "95%".
Look at this trash though lmao
The floating ferris wheel discs and the rabbit ear, like, grain elevator contraption that exists for no reason.
The 2D sections seems like the frames were partially made using AI. Theres is an animated hair right at the beginning looks a lot like AI output.
Went back and actually all of the 2D animation looks like AI. The lip flaps (and hair, you're right) were obvious, but check this out:
Most anime these days might as well be "AI" produced
Cheap animation and bad plots. Probably all some money laundering scheme.
Doesn't look good. I wonder if any of the waifu otaku types will finally be turned off from AI slop by this.
You couldn't tell me most anime wasn't ai generated to begin with
anime bad am i right guys
Unironically this. Every life action adaptation of anime is better than the original it's fucking cowardice to write the dumbest dialogue imaginable and then be too ashamed to have real human beings and bodies speak those words visibly on screen.
I am now going to block this community
low quality bit
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