Lots of things can look similar from some perspective while being nothing alike. All of stage magic rests on this. Conversely many things which look very different can serve the same purpose. Human eyes and a digital camera will both form images through extremely different mechanisms.
We don't know how it is that consciousness arises. It could be extremely widespread and you could be the only conscious being in all of time. You cannot prove that I am conscious and I cannot prove that you are.
That said, most people think brains are involved given that messing with them (either chemically or physically) causes people to report changes in consciousness. Of course we just have to take at their word that the humans reporting this are conscious ;). Brains, even non human brains, to a staggering amount of stuff and are amazingly complex; there are around 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections in a human brain and despite sharing names NN 'neurons' are much simpler machines than wetware ones.
It could be that statistical inference of next token in language is the or at least one of the systems that causes consciousness to arise but we would just be guessing. Many people tend to privilege behaviours we feel other animals don't share as indicators of consciousness for extremely shakey reasons and so a machine that emits stuff which looks like human language is spooky.
tldr: worry about the other stuff on this earth that has way more in common with how you work than a computer before you worry about a computer. But maybe worry about computers too, nobody knows. Still if you think a computer is more likely to be conscious at this stage than say a mouse you are probably deeply confused.