badposting is a comm where you post badly
This is not a ! alternative. This is not a ! alternative. This is a place for you to post your bad posts.
Ever had a really shitty bit idea? Joke you want to take way past the point of where it was funny? Want to feel like a stand-up comedy guy who's been bombing a set for the past 30 minutes straight and at this point is just saying shit to see if people react to it? Really bad pun? A homemade cringe concoction? A cognitohazard that you have birthed into this world and have an urge to spread like chain mail?
- Do not post good posts.
- Unauthorized goodposting is to be punished in the manner of commenting the phrase "GOOD post" followed by an emoji that has not yet been used in the thread
- Use an emoticon/kaomoji/rule-three-abiding ASCII art if the rations run out
- This is not a comm where you direct people to other people's bad posts. This is a comm where you post badly.
- This rule intentionally left blank.
- If you're struck for rule 3, skill issue, not allowed to complain about it.
Code of Conduct applies just as much here as it does everywhere else. Technically, CoC violations are bad posts. On the other hand: L + ratio + get ~~better~~ worse material bozo
I assume this is what she meant now that I've had a chance to translate
why is this valuable diplomatic manual in badposting?
HardcoreItalians .com
extremely hardcore you can tell because of the badass skull
i don't see "fuhgeddabatit" anywhere here. fake news.
That's not on the list
A glaring oversight imo
I'm pretty sure the 'I don't care' one is 'fuck off' (brush fingers under chin flicking forward)
"Me ne frega"
Thanks for educating! I was previously told that it was more offensive than it seems to be. I guess if you did it forcefully it'd be harsher (IDGAF), but more softly would be like eh idc (more like a shrug)
Nah it pretty much does mean "I don't give a shit", the level of rudeness is the same though
Grazie for clarifying
Emoji pls