They can move to the U.S. and then pay tariffs to import the parts, and have a smaller international demand for the product do to retaliatory tariffs and just straight avoidance of U.S. products while making their product in a higher cost to operate area. OR they can build a mine, pay higher lifting costs, higher wages, produce a much more expensive product of shitty quality to keep the price hopefully low enough that they can still have a demand for the product abroad, but everyone will coorelate their American products as shit because they cut corners to try to keep the costs low enough while having higher expenses. So no one wants their product. Or they could not cut corners and make a great product that costs so much that their market shrinks down to inoperable levels and go out of business.
People skeeting stuff.
Bluesky Social is a microblogging social platform being developed in conjunction with the decentralized AT Protocol. Previously invite-only, the flagship Beta app went public in February 2024. All are welcome!
You’re not getting it. He said it in ALL CAPS, so the globally-connected economy doesn’t actually exist. Tariffs punish BAD GUYS and have no effect on GOOD GUYS. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.”
Professor William T. Kelley, who taught marketing at the Wharton School of Business and Finance when the orange one was a student there (source)
He also doesn't read. Ever. The only book he is known to possess (a gift) is one with speeches by Hitler. He probably hasn't even read that one. He had also real trouble reading the teleprompter during the campaign trail and seemingly ignored it most of the time.
Yes, I read that too. Not the president the US needed, as he is simply unsuitable for this office due to his lack of education alone, but apparently the one the country deserves, as he was elected despite everything everyone can and should know about him.
Over half of US citizens can't read over a sixth grade level. So he really does represent a majority of US Americans in that regard.
Oh, sure. Spend billions on moving factories to a xenophobic, undereducated, and burgeoning fascist society instead of expanding into more stable, emerging markets without an unstable fuckwit for a leader.
I mean, that's exactly what happened with China
Yeah because it was cheaper labor. The US does not have that level of cheap labor.
It doesn't have that level YET.
That's also not how that works. China can get away with having cheap labor because it also has cheap cost of living. But the cost of living in the US is ridiculously high. These tariffs are only going to make the cost of living go up.
Yeah they need to move their forests and mines to the USA!
his audience wouldn't notice the issue with this claim
Mainly because they are SO SO SO fucking dumb.
Dude, they did, under Biden's IRA. The one you just tore up.
Jesus, dude. This guy is too old, stupid and evil to lead.
This guy is too old, stupid and evil to lead.
Putin: perfect!
Trump always talks like a dummy who is fed half baked ideas by someone only slightly smarter than he is.
Isn't that exactly what's happening?
He sounds like a toddler who learnt a new word explained to them by their slightly older cousin.
Or they can just stop providing products and services to america and expand in Asia, Europe and Australia
Lol... that's insanely hilarious.... or is it hilariously insane? I can't keep track with this nut job
So he wants me to migrate to the US and start a business?
No migrate, just start business è_é
Does he really think businesses pay the tariffs? I doubt it
He knows they don't but he doesn't have to pay them and he couldn't bring himself to care about anyone else.
When your president failed ~~law school~~ kindergarden.
Here, corrected that for you
He means he'll drop tariffs in companies start building here. Problem is, factory owners aren't stupid enough to invest in a factory that will become obsolete when these idiot tariffs are dropped.
Even if I had absolute confidence that the tariffs weren't going to get dropped there would still be no point moving a factory to the US because you would still end up paying the tariffs to get imports of components from China. Because you are definitely getting your components from China.
That's why tariffs have to be used with tact and they only target very precise items. If you want to increase the number of televisions produced in the United States you only have a tariff on completed televisions, not on displays, and not on microcontrollers. The Trump tariffs are on everything though.
Tariffs do not work.
Even if you just target one item, like this moron did with washing machines 8 years ago, what happened?
Imported washing machines went up 25% in price.
Domestically produces machines went up 25%, because why wouldn't they gauge more money??
Tariffs only hurt the consumer.
Well naturally, if all the companies move to the US, there won't be tariffs because there won't be trade. With the way the US is going these days, I'm wondering if the US might come to the companies instead
Our president is still trying to make this moron understand that he needs to be less of a bully with his country's friends. She is the only hope, short-term, to avoid severe consequences of tariffs in North America. I hope she's got intelligence and patience for both of them.
Do you mean Claudia Sheinbaum? (It isn't clear who you're talking about from your comment, but she would make sense.)
Yes, Sheinbaum. Sorry, I thought being her the only other president in North America would make it more clear.
... I was wondering if it was a musk joke...
Failed law school? He failed elementary school
Step 1: Move to the US
Step 2: I.C.E. deports all immigrants (both lawful and unlawful ones)
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Declare Bankrupcy? (because you don't have anyone to hire, since, you know, they deported everyone)
If the rest of the western powers divest amd braindrain from the US, can they afford to upkeep their nuclear arsenal?
If the tariffs work, then how are tariffs going to fund the government? Seems like a lie
He actually thinks companies can say "hey, let's move all our shit to the US!" and they can snap their fingers and they're instantly here. Like they don't have to buy land, build factories, setup supply chains and work out logistics that would take a long time to do. Fucking moron.
Dumbass didn't learn from the Foxconn shit in Wisconsin lol