Libertarian comes into power
Is a fascist
Protests, dual power, and even electoralism.
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Libertarian comes into power
Is a fascist
Gee, really interesting how libertarian reforms are extremely unpopular and can only be maintained by brutal state violence. Luckily they're a democracy and not authoritarian communists where the people have no say!
And he immediately and unsurprisingly just pushes the actual fascism button
He really just won the speed-run, huh?
Libertarians are 99% of the time just fascists
Yes, if you ask a libertarian what they think about unions and they say "that's fine, everybody can choose to associate and bargain within a free market" you might have found a real libertarian! Wow! You will almost never hear that though because they are all fascists
Not a surprising turn of events. He just halved everyone's savings and on top of that drastically increased the cost of living for everyone as companies increase prices due to the currency devaluation.
The result of that being massive strike and protest action is entirely unsurprising.. As is a crackdown on it.
This will escalate much further very quickly.
libertarians as soon as they own the boot:
A snake stepping on its own ass
"What the fuck, I summoned libertarianism out of the frictionless void where it usually resides and it immediately oxidized into fascism on contact with air."
Wtf he can’t do that. That’s a violation of the NAP
That's just because you don't understand the NAP. When you're NAPping you're supposed to find the original instigating aggression. How do you find that? Easy, you take the side you don't like and point at something they did that hurt your feelings.
Tear gassing protesters is just a legitimate response to the initial aggression of blocking traffic. But wait, isn't the blocking of traffic a response to the aggression the government did by throwing the country into poverty overnight? No it's not. Why? Because it just isn't.
So much for "small government"
Libertarians are just fascists with nonce aesthetics.
Fascism is a bullshit ideology that only cares about the supremacy of the fascists themselves. Outside of that it has no real principles, only whatever ad hoc opinions will further their supremacy at the given moment. When someone is not amplifying their fascinating they will whine about much freeze peach, when protests challenge their grasp on power they will use every coercive measure of the state to repress it.
Holy shit its not even a week
Dude went from get the goberment out of our lives to full on nazi dictatorship in a week.
He should ask Bolivia how that went. cw su*cide attempt
looking forward to all the lolbertarians in the US and abroad talking about this guy to do the 'ol collar tug and look side to side.
EDIT: Free shipping to my home in less than a day!
Nice state you got there, dickhead
5."To carry out these acts, forces will use the minimum necessary force, which is sufficient and proportional to the situation they are addressing."
Is just flavor text when
2."Federal forces are not required to have judicial oversight for their actions."
Alright you piggies, that's enough time spent with snouts in the slop. rottingleaf is banned, comments left up for anyone who wishes to continue dunking.
Federal agencies have the authority to intervene in protests, picket signs, or blockades.
The law is impartial: it must be enforced without exception.
Groups the law binds but doesn't protect etc etc
Destroying your country to own the libs.