Hamas proved to be a very tough and innovative group. The occupation forces are facing tougher fighters and losing equipment and soldiers in a way they haven’t lost against any Arab army before. A reminder that in 1967 they took Sinai in 6 days, yet can’t take the Gaza Strip in almost 3 months. Hamas has popular support and the only way for the settlers to win is to kill every last Palestinian, exiles too, or at least reduce them to a negligible minority a la US, Canada and Australia. Any other outcome is a win for the Palestinians even if they expel them to Sinai.
The problem for them though, and as much as they have tried to separate Palestinians from other Arabs, they will still be in a fragile situation surrounded by people they have drove to hate them -Arabs witnessing the genocide have no desire to coexist with the settlers- and still highly dependent on US aid for its existence. The moment the US stops bankrolling Israel, is the day it stops existing. This war disproved the lie that Israel is strong, independent and an asset to the US. How long can the US maintain a liability and a drain?
The actions of the Yemeni government reflects the will of the people, and the blockade has shown the fragility of the occupation’s economy. If Arab countries were democracies or at least not corrupt collaborators there would have been armies marching to Palestine by now. Sooner or later, more honest Arab governments will come into power and the Zionist settlers will find themselves overwhelmed and isolated.