[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 25 points 1 week ago

These prudes would be terrified of San Francisco, whole city is clothing optional. No one ever really does it cause it's too cold though saw a couple out today for pride. Sucks there banning it in a place that would actually be comfortable to do it.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 34 points 2 weeks ago

It's a reference to a trump clip where he drinks water with two hands,.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 72 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

According to wikipedia this is the less likely and imo less interesting explanation. They did find coconuts that are genetically distinct from the ones the Spanish brought over from the Philippines, but those ones are more distantly related to the ones in polynesia so they probably didn't float over. Instead they are more likely evidence of pre-columbian contact of Polynesians with south and central America, along with sweet potatoes originating in South America but being present in polynesia and SEA prior to columbus.

So this would boot Columbus off the podium in people who discovered America.

  1. Bering strait people / native American ancestors

  2. Polynesian people

  3. Vikings, Leif Erickson

  4. Columbus

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 22 points 1 month ago

Fuckin fake leftists, true leftists call everyone they disagree with reactionaries, way more syllables and it makes it sound like you've read theory.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 32 points 2 months ago

Doesn't seem like they're making better cars, the most innovative things he points out is a funky gear shifter... But that they're making them more cheaply. That doesn't seem to be because of any production innovation or finding some hidden efficiency that western companies overlooked, moreso heavy subsidies and state support combined with a cheap labor market. Hopefully this competition makes the west adopt the former and not the latter, but considering the current political environment we'll probably end up with the reverse.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 54 points 3 months ago

Isn't this normal for tech companies? The IPO is typically the pay day event for most employees paid in stock where you can finally cash in. Doesn't matter where you think the companies going, most people would rather buy a house then stay on the tech stock roller coaster.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 81 points 3 months ago

It's on the non stick coating for a lot of pans and can easily flake off and be ingested if you damage it by using metal utensils. This is why you should never use metal on nonstick.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 27 points 3 months ago

The spirit of it still exists in temu ads. Turn off your ad blocker for a minute and you'll be inundated with cheap plastic things that you think are great ideas and you'll use once and forget about.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 23 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

No one can "clear them out", even if the u.s. army came in and killed every last cartel member, the demand for drugs would still remain and a new cartel would pop up as soon as the u.s. leaves. It would basically be Afghanistan all over again, a bunch of people will die, trillions of dollars will be spent only to have it all go to waste as soon as we leave.

Violence can't solve the underlying social issues causing these groups to form.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 23 points 3 months ago

Yes, if rail were so good all the families and normal people who value there lives could take it, meanwhile the interstate could go turn into no speed limit chaos where all the rich people with huge egos and small dicks can crash their Porsches into each other without killing an innocent person whose just trying to get to work.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 48 points 4 months ago

One of the worst parts of this, and one that will get people killed, is they loosened the restrictions on police chases. Now police can chase cars for crimes where there's no longer a threat of violence like robbery through the second densest city in the country. People are so indoctrinated by copaganda that they think police chases always end up with the cop catching the bad guy instead of how they usually end, with a fatal crash.

[-] Not_mikey@slrpnk.net 29 points 4 months ago

Your still viewing things from a motor normative lense with statements like I need to drive to get to work and I need to park my car. This sort of thinking naturalizes things that are actually part of a system that can change if we decide to. We can collectively decide to ban cars and humanity could continue to thrive, there's nothing necessary about cars. They may be personally necessary in the current system, but the system itself isn't, and this is critiquing the system not individual decisions.

The point of critical theory like this is to look at things we take for granted or think are necessary, show that they actually aren't natural or necessary, and expose some of the problems we ignore because we think the problem is required to live.

You have to step outside the system and look at it like you don't come from car centric culture and with the knowledge that it's a choice and not necessary. From that point of view questions like why is it ok to spew toxic fumes in a populated area? Makes sense since you know the system is a societal choice, not just the way things have to be.

With that knowledge you can try and change the system. That doesn't mean never driving, because it may be necessary to live, but driving less and taking public transit when you can and advocating and supporting public transit and biking infrastructure over car infrastructure.

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