Nanu? Schon Freitag? 🍻
L'Osteria ist meinen Lieblingsrestaurant! ❤️
Lass👏der Mann 👏 kochen 👏
The line work here looks professional, I'm very impressed by the details on the person.
Ich bin gerade erkältet und mir geht's schlecht, trotzdem fühle ich mich ganz in der Weihnachtsstimmung. Meine Frau hat letztes Nacht unsere Wohnung komplett in Weihnachtsschmuck dekoriert, die beiden schauen wunderbar aus 😏
Ich meine der ist gerade arbeitslos, so es sollte nicht schwierig zu sein xD
Wer möchte Plätzchen? 🍪🍪🍪
Well, I for one will question it, because I don't understand what I'm seeing. How the flying fuck is this happening?
That's some "don't bully me, I'll cum" level comedy
My dad is on his death bed, I haven't spoken to him in years, because he's full on MAGA. It breaks my heart that I lost my dad to that cult and that I'll lose him forever soon, but I will never forgive him for supporting the scum that is proud he stole womens rights.
So to answer your question, being sad and waiting for tomorrow.
Can we all agree to quit linking to twitter? Fuck Musk
Gute Besserung 😚