Oh? You're approching me? Instead of running for president you're coming right to me?
The healing power of crystals is real, but very few people have had the gumption to have enough inside them to get the full effect.
Be careful, we'll try to make you read things.
Hell yeah, drown me in banality baby. Tell me about his deep meaningful connection to secondhand autosales.
Protecting private property, hell yeah, jerk me harder locke. When i grab guns to head to a counterprotest, its because i care so much about classical conceptions of property rights.
I could go on a tangent about bourgeois "Legal frameworks", but its much easier to say "Death to America" and move on.
America delenda est
I dont respect you, or your opinions.
We can do both & the only thing worth constructing here is a pit.
Yeah I saw that but only after I added terms like racist and offensive to my search result, meaning if I just type that phrase by itself into Google nothing.
That's the point of a dogwhistle. If they didnt want to whistle, they'd just yell a slur. The whole point of its racist usage being able to signal racist ideology to those in the know, while hiding behind people like yourself who insist on it being fine.
The preferred response to learning of a dogwhistle for the first time is to go "Oh shit, my bad, i wont use it again." It costs you nothing and removes camo for actual detestable people.
When you argue to the effect "It not that racist", you provide screening for racists, and are doing their work. Normalizing crypto racist shit attracts racists. For this reason, you will be dunked by bears.
I upvoted i because i approve of bullying crackers.
He was being disorderly!
You are ideologically incoherent.
Whole gangs getting back together, being hooligans. God it really is nice.
It may not be power efficient, but that water is definitely heated.