[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 76 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

cuno solidarity palestine-heart

edit: oh sorry, it was CUNY

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 105 points 2 months ago

The tracker, who passed away not long after the incident, [...]

really burying the lede here though lmao

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 85 points 4 months ago

Hideo Kojima in shambles

But seriously, good on her. I think the more celebrities publicly endorse Palestine the more libs will start paying attention to what's going on

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 111 points 4 months ago

When you scramble this many ghouls to check every single detail of a person's life history, you can make even the most well-adjusted person seem like a complete fringe lunatic. This is a concerted effort to make this guy seem as deranged as possible, just a wild crazy man, or a poor victim of online radicalization, depending on what tone you want for your think piece.

You can turn the ultimate protest into a cautionary tale about the seductive rhetoric of the violent online left or a mental health awareness month-style unheard cry for help.

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 92 points 4 months ago

jesus fucking christ lmao that comment feels like it was written in some kind of laboratory as a distillation of pure liberalism

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 89 points 5 months ago

oh my god please let her do it, this would be the most hilarious thing imaginable

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 86 points 5 months ago

that's epic, now the republicans have to choose between doing what they wanted to do or getting what they wanted to get

masterful gambit by dark brandon


mmm thy Lord is crunchy

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Uhh let me be clear


Uhh, ready your spears



mfw grandpa says some really racist shit at the dinner table

it fills my heart with joy to see this ghoul is having a very uncomfortable day at work

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 81 points 8 months ago

I think it's really cool messaging that a car comes with a complimentary beer

submitted 8 months ago by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

This game has so much soul, its gameplay probably feels dated as hell nowadays (haven't played it in years) but it's still in my top 3 best written games ever, along with Planescape Torment and Disco Elysium.

I first played it more than a decade ago and I still think about this poem sometimes.

With bony hands I hold my partner

On soulless feet we cross the floor

The music stops as if to answer

An empty knocking at the door

It seems his skin was sweet as mango

When last I held him to my breast

But now we dance this grim fandango

And will four years before we rest.

Why to Blow Up a Pipeline (www.youtube.com)

In the much awaited follow-up to How to Blow Up a Pipeline, we learn that an excellent, if unexpected, reason to sabotage a pipeline is that you cannot use it to play funky saxophone jazz while it is operational.


holy FUCK lmao (hexbear.net)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

I'm in awe of this incredible post, holy shit

edit: here's the link, behold this masterpiece in its resplendent glory https://twitter.com/gayest_tone/status/1713927115316301992

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Not gonna lie, I'm glad to have something funny to laugh about, given how grim things are right now. I hope you get a brief chuckle out of this. God knows I needed something fun this week.

This is a Br*tish weirdo who apparently went looking for gold in Afghanistan and got himself captured by the Taliban. A while ago someone claiming to be a friend of his posted saying that he was alive and well and enjoying his time as a captive. Everyone called bullshit, including the Chapo hosts, who had a lot of fun with the whole situation last week.

Everybody was sure that this guy was very much dead but it turns out that the even funnier outcome actually came true: he really was alive and well, indeed having picnics, playing Xbox and apparently watching fucking Barbie with the guyliner-wearing Taliban.

Don't get me wrong, he's still a Br*tish dumbass who has no business being in Afghanistan at all, especially given his intention of establishing a gold mine, but this is truly the only really funny thing that's happened this week, and I thought I'd share.

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 80 points 9 months ago

nobody gave anybody a mandate do any fucking war crimes

what the fuck else was Hamas supposed to do? pray? vote? lie down and die?


When will the bad thing stop happening in the region? Those affected are tired of being affected by the thing in question. Some have said that the thing that is happening is, in fact, a bad thing. Experts agree that there are bad things happening in the region where bad things often happen for many different reasons.


I've been listening to a lot of YKS, Guys and Boonta Vista recently and I think they are hilarious. I used to listen to Beep Beep Lettuce a lot and I find that nowadays they're not as funny as they used to be a year or two ago.

I want more funny and stupid shit to listen to, and although Chapo and Trashfuture do make me laugh from time to time, they're not very consistently funny.

I'm looking for funny, silly shit, preferably from comrades. I've already got plenty of political content that I often listen to, so right now I'm just looking for stupid laughs. Any suggestions?

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 83 points 9 months ago

I love it that he puts "Dutch" among a list of things he thinks are inherently bad lmao, at least we can agree on that specific one

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 101 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)




submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Can I have a few minutes of your time? I want to vent a bit. Mostly, I want to talk a little bit about how English is taught in the country where I live, and how 2020 changed me for the better. I know what I have to say sounds very personal and it might not apply to you in particular, but I want to share some of the insights I had throughout last year. This story has a happy ending, though, so you might want to stick around.

TL;DR I kinda seized the means of production, my life is now much better than it used to be, and I wish that every single worker in the world could have this same opportunity.

For the past five or so years, I have been working as an English teacher in my home country. I started doing it professionally as soon as I dropped out of a STEM course (which was something I hated yet kept pushing myself to do, because money), just in order to have some spending money, as I still lived with my parents back then and didn’t need to worry about paying any bills.

Here’s the thing: language schools in my country are a cutthroat industry. These are large corporations which mostly operate on a franchising model, which means anyone with enough money can own an English school. The result is that you can find a dozen in any neighborhood, and there’s always plenty of job openings for English teachers.

Sounds good, right? Well, the flip side is that hiring practices in this job sector are absolute bullshit. Essentially, you don’t need to have a degree to teach, all you need is to have some kind of proficiency in the language. You’ll find plenty of schools where none of the teachers have any sort of teaching experience, or any deeper kind of knowledge about the learning process. Most of them have never studied that, after all. Their main qualification is having lived abroad for about six months, and that’s it.

And that’s fine, really. That is, after all, who I was when I started working. I was a fluent speaker who wanted to eventually go to university and study language and pedagogy, but I was also a college dropout who had lived for a year in New Zealand. I had to start somewhere. My first teaching job was at a local school, and I was paid about $4,50 an hour. That was actually above average pay in the city where I live.

During the “teacher training” process, which was absolute bullshit, we were told that studying at that particular school wasn’t cheap. I never knew how much they charged students but, judging by the average cost of an English course, it would probably be around $75 per student. Each student had two one-hour lessons a week, which means they’d have, on average, eight lessons each month. So they’re paying somewhere around $9 per lesson, and I’m earning half of that.

50/50 split between school and teacher. Doesn’t sound too bad, right? Well, each group had up to nine students, and regardless of how many students were in each group, we’d get paid the same. This means that now I’m getting paid $4,50 and the school is raking in $81 per lesson. What a fucking great deal, right? These are all approximations, but you get the gist.

That makes it extremely beneficial for the school to have as many students as possible in a group, at any given time. That includes squeezing in additional students in the middle of the semester, without warning. As a teacher, it’s like I’m juggling and then you suddenly throw an extra ball at me, and I’m supposed to carry on without missing a beat. Also, the proprietary learning materials I had to use (and couldn’t even take home with me to prepare because of copyright) were absolute garbage, so not only was I juggling, but was also having to do it with my feet.

Also, English schools are notorious for two things:

1 – They don’t give a single fuck about labor laws, and instead hire teachers as “outsourced contractors”, so that they have no obligations whatsoever and can fire you without warning whenever the fuck they want.

2 – Remember that shit salary I was talking about? Sometimes they decide not to pay you. I’ve lost count of how many other teachers I know who got shafted by the schools where they worked. Some of them are seeking legal action but, as I said before, these are large corporations. You know the deal.

Noticing all this was what started radicalizing me, all the way back in 2017. It sucked, going to work every day, teaching for hours on end, only to earn a salary that wouldn’t allow me to ever move away from my parents’ home. I’m very lucky to have a supportive family, but I was in my mid-twenties, itching to start my independent adult life.

I got fully radicalized in 2020. That’s when I started reading more about leftist theory, started visiting the old subreddit and listening to podcasts, all of which helped me articulate the anger that I felt, and gave me a way to conceptualize what it was that made me so miserable.

It was the exploitation. It was the guilt from being told to shut up and work, because there are people who can’t afford to eat, and it was anger at the self-righteous people who failed to realize that neither of these two situations should ever be allowed to fucking happen. It was feeling like I was being chewed up by some cruel, uncaring machine and spat out, with no hope and no expectations for the future.

And then came Covid, and the last layer of the illusion of importance my employers held for me was broken: with social distancing, we had to work from home. They provided me nothing, so I adapted, I used what I had in order to teach as well as I could. I found software that allowed me to better interact with my students, and I pirated educational materials that I couldn’t afford. And then I thought: what the fuck is the school doing for me? I’m doing all the work here. It suddenly became crystal clear that they were nothing but blood-sucking parasites, who offered me nothing at all.

In other words, I realized that I was the worker, and I also happened to hold the means of production, so to speak. Why not fucking seize them?

So I did. I was communicating with my students through my personal phone number and email, so they knew how to contact me. I started dropping hints that I also worked as a private teacher. I decided that I was going to charge them the same amount that they were paying the school, but the money would be all mine, if they ever got in touch. And they did. In one fell swoop, I proudly snatched three students away from the English teaching industry.

As an autonomous, self-employed language teacher, I now make my own schedule and I name my own price. Through word of mouth and referrals, I’ve now got enough students to pay my own bills, and with a great deal of initial support from my family, I finally managed to move to my own place, and now I’m financially independent. I took the most important step of my adult life, and I’ll never look back. I also have more free time, in which I can take care of myself, physically and mentally, and enjoy my hobbies. Life suddenly feels worth living, and now I realize just how much work takes away from us as human beings.

I don’t know how to organize my fellow teachers, but I always make sure to tell my story to my colleagues. I could do it and I hope that they can do the same. I swore to myself that I would always do everything I can, in order to help fellow teachers in their attempts to break away from this poisonous, vile industry. I share my materials. I teach them how to use the software I use. If there’s a prospective student that I can’t work with for any reason, I refer them to my fellow teachers. We’re all on the same boat, we’re all workers, and solidarity is the only way out of this shitshow. I hope that, one day, each and every one of you has the opportunity to break free from your own chains.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a fantastic week, you beautiful :LIB:s.

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joined 4 years ago