[-] snrkl 15 points 2 weeks ago

I agree with the potential for Orwellian uses, and I agree with the need for SOME kind of repercussion for active misinformation peddling and manipulation of the masses. (As opposed to honest mistakes).

Like all things in this world, I feel topics like this are nuanced and the current need to make everything into a chalk/cheese divisive issue is counter productive. I feel we need mature people who can navigate that nuance without the need for forced polarisation of the topics.

I'll also add some context for people outside of Australia:

The Onion / Shovel headline is cunning, as locals with knowledge will tell you the target of the the parody article (Peter Dutton) is a well known user of defamation suits to go after people who say things about him he feels are untrue.

[-] snrkl 11 points 1 month ago

Got my daughter with it! W00t!!

[-] snrkl 16 points 2 months ago

I've just had to explain to the 80yo grandmother that you can't yell at my 19yo son because his anxiety ticks are annoying you.

She went full send on telling him that no woman or friends would ever want to be around him unless he stopped.. She got even angrier because she yelled at him to stop, and the ticking got louder and more frequent.. (duh..)

The only way I managed to get even a glimpse of consideration out of her was to leverage her pride in being a "baby whisperer" as a grandmother, and explained that yelling at an anxious ND about their ticks is like yelling at a baby to make them stop crying...

Only then did she stop for even a moment and actually have a thought about what was happening...

She still yells at him, but at least now we have a way to puller her back a little, as this description makes her feel terrible enough about it, that she leaves him alone for a bit out of feeling guilty...

[-] snrkl 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'd love it if you could expand on this to help me understand better..

I've had meditation suggested to me many times, and I just don't get it...

It leaves me wondering "What am I missing?"!

[-] snrkl 12 points 4 months ago

Benadryl Cucumbersnatch

[-] snrkl 11 points 4 months ago

LOL... Malicious compliance at its best....

[-] snrkl 11 points 6 months ago

Or just wait for you to do it yourself....

[-] snrkl 11 points 8 months ago

Sometimes the best thing to do is just get out of their way...

[-] snrkl 14 points 10 months ago

Please do keep voting with your wallet - its one of the few remaining ways to express our discontent!) That being said, I feel like both of those examples are where the service provided by adobe and then Netflix are terrible.

Adobe is making you buy a whole year and Netflix is hassling you for "letting your pensioner mum watch your account".. To me, both of those are examples of bad service (coupled with cost).

For me, a counter example for me is amazon.com: I hate what they're doing to the retail landscape but find it hard to resist, as I find them SOOO convenient, and their customer service (for now) is absolutely stunning!!! Now if their prices were too high, I'd personally probably pay for that convenience a bit. (Where there model breaks for me completely is warranty major purchases: I've had warranty denied by manufacturers for items purchased through non approved amazon resellers. So now, for me, anything over $100 and I'm looking for direct purchase from the manufacturer as a preference. )

[-] snrkl 13 points 1 year ago

For those interested in privacy respecting android, check out GrapheneOS on Pixel: De-googled android that is strong on security and rips google out of your device... Ive been using it for two years and won't go back.


[-] snrkl 16 points 1 year ago

That's a Gentoo logo...

[-] snrkl 14 points 1 year ago

For those wondering about James Cameron's comments, I'd thoroughly recommend watching the Deep Sea Challenger documentary. It is enthralling. I have a friend who actually worked on the sub and went on the expedition with Cameron. In his words: "to underestimate the safety requirements is, put simply, to die."

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