I used to provide security for a club that held a lot of queer dance parties. It's pretty flattering to be hit on by gay guys. They'll give you honest compliments that most women won't.
Anyone that unironically says, "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best," is waving their red flag at you.
His days are numbered, though.
This is the kind of content I actually WOULD like to read on LinkedIn. You know, instead of the constant pseudo-inspirational narcissistic fart sniffing.
Discord sucks so much. I wish it wasn't so popular.
no ... insurance required
God, fuck this person.
7 USB ports seems like a decent amount, to me.
Swift also bought more than double the amount of carbon credits needed to offset her private jet use for her Eras Tour, Paine told the Post on Monday.
What a joke.
The problem with cheap keycaps.
I use LibreWolf, which is FF based, and they refuse to let me log in. All it takes is a User Agent spoofer set to Chrome, and it works.
I hate that they made me feel that way ...
And on that day, no personal responsibility was taken.
Such a little detail, but makes me so happy.