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For those who want to learn more about the possible origin of memes like this
You don’t negotiate with a burglar who breaks in and steals your shit. You shoot them between the eyes.
Anyone who calls for a compromise is either Russian or a complete fucking idiot.
The way Russia would negotiate a burglary:
I get to keep everything I stole, in exchange you won't call the cops, and throw away your alarms and weapons. You will also promise, that you won't be able to defend yourself the next time.
800 years of russian state imperialism isnt enough to convince some people that the rest of Eastern Europe has truly had enough of one of their own imposing their big brother geopolitics on the rest of them. Every shitty empire has their MO, for russia, its always been a game of lies, deceit, and muddying the waters of truth. The guy in the middle is someone whos been drinking water from a poisoned well somewhere.
Why does the compromise guy have a hammer and sickle on him? Is it because these countries were formally part of the USSR?
There are online self-proclaimed leftists who simp for the totalitarian Soviet regime, and often for China as well. The slang term for them is 'tankies'. Generally speaking, they're the ones you see online spreading the "Ukraine has to compromise for Russia's Legitimate Security Concerns!" The hammer-and-sickle is there to represent them.
It's very bizarre, considering that most leftists I know, even the ones I butt heads with, recognize that Putin's Russia is an imperialist and fascist state. But no one has ever accused tankies of being consistent.
Don't worry, some tankie will be along to correct you that Russia doesn't meet the exact textbook definition of Fascism, so it is actually a utopia.
My favorite incorrect definition for tankies is, they dont actually like communism, they just like tanks.
They like "dictatorships of the proletariat," and if they think that is given to them by Daddy Big Boots, then theyll simp for him hard as they can.
Absolutely loving the pushback against their shit here on .world, it was getting bleak there for a minute..
Yeah. Tankies in most places are absolutely inconsequential, but they're very prominent on the Fediverse. It's good to push back against the poisonous parts of their ideology (like 'Imperialism is good if it's a capitalist state that's not part of the West doing it').
Would hate to see that kind of vile fascist shit normalized on here.
Yep, authoritarianism and imperialism is wrong left or right. The United States has a horrible track record on this front it's true. But they'll lose their shit when you state a simple fact like ML nations are generally just as bad. Russia basically invaded and forcefully annexed many nations post WWII. Tried to invade Afghanistan. Imprisoned and slaughtered millions in Siberian prisons to this very day even. All for simple dissent. Nivalny anyone? China isn't really any better either.
They usually break into a sputtering revelry of "But imperialists and the west did X". Which you can easily tear apart with a simple "And?". Because it doesn't justify them doing it. the most verbose way possible, with bonus points for referencing people out of context, cherrypicking their worst takes, or just deferring to lunatics in a ghish gallop too exhausting to be worth challenging.
"I find that I'm smarter than most people."
"Whatever leads you to that conclusion?"
"I have a hammer and sickle wallpaper on my desktop! Also, those who are not me should learn to compromise. Because I won't lift a goddamned finger to do such a thing myself, yuck. Also, bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe."
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