I’m getting kid of tired of infographics with absolutely zero mention of the source, the reasoning, etc.
This seems mostly legit, but who knows?
The lighter side of ADHD
I’m getting kid of tired of infographics with absolutely zero mention of the source, the reasoning, etc.
This seems mostly legit, but who knows?
I had the exact same concern. Where’s the support for these ideas?
Ended up Googling it for awhile today and got linked to a podcast that had some decent practical tips for reducing burnout (towards the end of the podcast)
Beyond that, though, burnout seems kind of vague and much of the content around it is either worker-focused (you’re burned out because you don’t believe in what you’re doing for a living) or employer-focused (you should be watching out for signs of burnout in your workforce because it hurts productivity).
The best things I found basically recommended having strong boundaries in place to make sure your work and personal life don’t blend.
According to this I had burnout in kindergarten.
If you find yourself as an adult acting like a toddler, you might have a problem.
Exactly. Normal adults look back on their childhood years with envy.
Meanwhile, who can't highlight the text properly before applying bold?! This world is fucked.
Anyone else find it irritating that only half of the word "highly" is in bold?
I saw it immediately and my brain was like “the lack of attention to detail completely invalidates this entire thing.”
Then I had to slap my brain and tell it to shut up.
Irritable, you say? 🤔
Damn I like this gif. What keyword did you use to get this out?
Funnily, it was just a top result for “star trek”.
So what if we've been feeling like this for as long as we can remember? How long can you burn without going out?
For me it was 52 years. Or 14 if you count the day my first child was born, which in turn put enough stressors on me to burn out and not to read or answer any mail (bills & taxes) and go bankrupt in 2018.
I am on the way out, defend free time like nothing else, but still can feel stress reactions in my body.
I'ma take my complaint in a different direction even though the other comments make really good points. Wtf do I do now? This gives me no indication of what I should do once I recognize I'm burnt out.
These are incredibly broad. There are like 9 different things with equally broad sub points. It would be more concerning if any of you read this and thought “nope, literally none of this applies to me.”
If you need help talk to a therapist, of course do it. If you can roll back some obligations to reduce stress then do it! But don’t let this post spook you. Take care of yourselves, definitely avoid burnout where possible, and have a good weekend!
so all of life. I was gonna say I don't do social media but woops im here.
Going by what this says, I've been burnt out since my junior year of highschool.
Ok how do I fix it?
I'm medicated but still very prone to burnout, and currently burned to a crisp.
I saw this post and realized I'm going through this.
So this response is for me. You can take and modify it to fit your needs. I'm rooting for you.
Outline what you do at work and see what can be offloaded, dropped, given to someone else.
Make some if-thens. (Google up implementation Intentions)
Return to personal hobbies. Oddly enough, I actually have to carve time out.
Find ways to spend more time outside of your work environment. Bonus if you can take your work with you. Going on a walk while catching up on a work recording, or going to the park and cleaning out your emails, or have a meeting in a coffee shop.
This one is the biggest for me: I find myself frequently scrolling through news/social media. This habit of seeking instant distraction can be more mentally draining than recharging. Replacing this behavior with a healthier hobby would be more beneficial for my overall well-being.
Only answer is: Take it easier. Burnout is no joke. If you're already burnt out, you might need months or more to relax enough to get some passion back.
Hm. I have one vacation day left after being sick. Won't get more until next week. Work 10 hour days 4 days a week and the too exhausted to relax most of the remaining 3.
What if... Hear me out... What if I were to be, idk, run over by a bus and hospitalized for a month? /s
Take it easier.
you might need months or more to relax enough to get some passion back
You paying my bills?
You just described my last 2 jobs before I quit and became much happier even tho I was unemployed.
Work is stupid. We should be working 20 hours weeks and fucking around the rest of the time. Everyone would be so much happier.
Or maybe everyone with ADHD (and, this, 80 gagillion hobbies)
I’m there, bro. But I live making that money
It'd be one thing if I was making money. But this job is hostile to my income, it seems like sometimes.
so basically, living in an imperialist capitalist society and being aware of it is burnout?
my entire life be like
Nah, it's fine. I'm only experiencing all of those signs.
Found the answer, hidden in the inattention...
Once source of great pride the art of crafting ghlyirri tables is nearly forgotten nowadays.
this also sounds like my last 5 yrs of depression lol
Burnout is what people who don’t believe in mental healthcare call depression.
Burnout, depression, and anxiety are not the same. There is overlap, but they are distinct problems.
Our results showed a significant association between burnout and depression (r = 0.520, SE = 0.012, 95% CI = 0.492, 0.547) and burnout and anxiety (r = 0.460, SE = 0.014, 95% CI = 0.421, 0.497)... Our findings revealed no conclusive overlap between burnout and depression and burnout and anxiety, indicating that they are different and robust constructs.
I believe in both and I feel there a distinction though they're interrelated.
Woah, 100%. I win!
What's with the highly irritable? It's like the person that created the image consciously made that word just partly bold to irritable people. It's so clearly visible I can't believe it was a mistake.
This is like reading a horoscope for mental health issues.
I was about to type burnout or ADHD before I noticed the sub
I don't think this is accurate unless I've been a burnout for most of my life.
Soooo I have every single symptom. Haha. Gotta grind harder than ever these days....
Shit. I just batted 1000.