But like, a prism only reveals what was already inside that light beam.
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of lemmy.world
Shhh we don't talk about that
…how does a trans person get this way? Seems like a huge lack of self-awareness or some kind of disingenuous grift.
She was already a shit person. Don't forget she very publicly transitioned to distract from her murdering someone.
Tbh I never really knew much about them, but that explains a lot.
She's the kind of person to kill two people in a car accident and then do a runner
She was right wing already, never engaged with the community, and went down the right wing rabbit hole
So normal children are made up of trans children.
How many trans kids can you get from one normal one?
Judging by the picture, at least 6, but with the right woke teacher prism we could get more.
This image implies the existence of both infra-gender and ultra-gender persons that we didn't evolve to see...
Ayo I gotta respect the psychotic level of cognitive dissonance she has. Thats such an unashamedly hypocrytical stance I cant even argue.
There’s no such thing as a normal child. That’s the problem with conservative’s expectations.
Kids are weirdos. I love it, we should encourage it. Kids love each other without seeing prejudice, I love watching my toddler play with other kids, they don't give a shit about gender or color.
Maybe she feels a little less special when another person transitions.
"i got mine, fuck the rest of you"
Aren't there conervative teachers too? Based on their anwser, just going off what the image tells me, there are two possibilities:
Yes -> Being trans is what the children want, after all they are presented with both options. Not presenting the option denies them happiness.
No -> Being 'woke' is what comes naturally with education. There must have been something like the first 'woke' teacher and all the other educated people where like 'Yes, he's right.'. Conservatives should just educate themselves.
That's one of those rage bait memes used to drive engagement. I realize I'm doing it now, but at least it's to point it out. It's essentially bot trash
Kids alone:
Did she have woke teachers?
The rhetoric that you can somehow make kids trans that would otherwise be cis just by exposing them to new ideas is getting extremely tiresome. Everyone should know that's not true by now. I'm convinced the people posting memes like this know they're full of shit and are just dog whistling that they disapprove of anyone different than them, a la homophobes talking about how gayness is "unnatural" when that's observably false in actual nature.
The rhetoric that you can somehow make kids trans that would otherwise be cis just by exposing them to new ideas is getting extremely tiresome.
Once kids are able to relate confused inarticulate feelings with coherent patterns of behavior, they can begin to conform.
Sometimes, that conformity means adapting their presentation and physiology to their new gender. Formerly cis-presenting kids transition under this model.
Other times it means internalizing their anxiety and closeting themselves to avoid social stigma. Cis-presenting kids delay and decline to transition under this model.
A Woke Teacher encourages the former while a Based Trad Teacher encourages the later.
In Caitlyn's case, it seems to be disapproval of people like herself. Even after coming out and transitioning... still seems to hate herself.
What a fucking hag, she does know that In the Flesh shouldn't be taken as a statement of intent right?
Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
Get them up against the wall!
There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me, Get him up against the wall!
That one looks Jewish!
And that one's a coon!
Who let all of this riff-raff into the room?
There's one smoking a joint, And another with spots!
If I had my way, I'd have all of you shot!
So she's saying she's not inherently a woman?
Because every trans person I know is inherently the gender they say they are.
I guess not Caitlyn?
I want to downvote this so bad but it's in the right sub so I can't! ☹️
(Clarification: I want to downvote it because the meme is so hateful and ignorant)
I wonder what age Jenner would have transitioned if it was a choice when she was younger
Yup, my TEACHERS were mostly responsible for my sexual orientation as I grew up.
Wait until they find out the prism isn’t even necessary…
I think she misunderstood the message behind "Another Brick in the Wall"
Am I the only weirdo who dismisses this except thinking “leave those kids alone” was right and she was soooo close to
I... Am really struggling to figure out if this is satire or an actual "meant" comment. I mean, they're taking lyrics and the logo from one of Pink Floyd's most famous albums; on the other hand they're invoking "woke" shibboleths in a weird way... Not knowing the context, who the Xitter user is and just looking at the image, it feels like something you'd create to poke fun at those who routinely chant, "woke" as if it's a bad thing...
Caitlyn Jenner is basically a right-wing token trans person that for some reason hates all other LGBT+ people... So if this is real then in all likely hood it unfortunately isn't satire
I mean, they’re taking lyrics and the logo from one of Pink Floyd’s most famous albums
Two albums—the bugger didn't even get that right. Another Brick In The Wall was from The Wall, not from The Dark Side Of The Moon. (And I'm not even that big of a Pink Floyd fan...)
The internet gave everyone a voice. Yeah in hindsight that was a mistake
I wish our Teacher give us Sex Education
The sex education they give kids here in Indiana is pathetic. I'm glad I don't have a problem talking to my kid about sex. Heaven forbid they cover things like contraception or consent.
whose, gonna uh.. Explain this to them?
Also what happens when we simply engage in additional prism activities. Wouldn't that "un trans" the light, in this scenario?
Where have you been when Pink Floyd turned everyone queer?