Also isn't white just the natural plastic coloring before any dye?
Yeah, most plastics are either transparent or milky white-ish without colourings or additives.
Wow the racist just keeps getting deeper and deeper
Just in: The reason why certain chemicals are white is because they're racist.
Good ol' CNN post-purchase. Chasing racism and sensationalism over actual news...
White is an excellent color for a complicated robot. Marks aren't hidden. It's not taking light away when looking in at hardware, it doesn't shade surroundings as much, and it matches every other damn piece of scientific equipment they throw in to labs, too.
Color neutral and bright has utility purpose. CNN is too stupid and dishonest to know that.
Also, it’s not an actual skin color.
I dunno' man, some Irish and Swedish folks are suuuuper damn pasty-white. Give 'em a little scare and some turn paper white. xD
As someone whose entire heritage is Irish and Swedish, I'm jealous of that robot's tan.
To be fair it wasn't CNN doing this groundbreaking "research".
Plus if it's outside, there are fewer heat issues.
Turns out lighter colors are perceived as cleaner and friendlier.
Or maybe hospitals are racist too? Or we need more hospitals with black walls and floors.
We could call them gothpitals.
Love it, I'm in
I dunno about friendlier, but it's certainly easier to see dirt and stains, which makes it easier to keep clean.
Enter into the void of the black MRI machine
They should paint them red and tile them like all leisure centers used to be in the '80s.
Imma be honest, that hospital sounds metal as fuck. I'm down.
Aren't most plastics white or yellow by default? Making them other colors requires adding dye. Clear might be an option but it might be a little uncanny valley style morbid to see their parts moving around under their "skin".
Clear is 1000% the best option.
Source: My GameBoy Color with the super cool clear shell.
"Owning a yellow robot might be a sign of chinese slavery"
I read recently that white plastic was the more expensive color to produce. I wanted to cite/link a source but internet search is frustratingly bad these days.
Edit: Not quite what I read but close enough.
Natural ABS color is white
Yellow robots would be very problematic
The answer is albedo, white is easier to find of you lose it especially in space.
also reflects more light/heat, reducing the need for radiators to manage heat. This is why most spacecraft are white.
I'm so fucking sick of everything being politicized. Now we're doing it with fucking plastic....
Robots in actual use are painted safety yellow or orange, because they are a safety hazard. Thus we put up warnings, fences and light gates. Plus shutoff buttons everywhere and a multi step process to turn them on.
We need the semi transparent colorful plastics robots.
I'm totally into the idea of a robot covered in N64 funtastic grape.
I'm thinking of my special edition purple glittery Game Boy.
Letting people see all the crappy soldering and cable bridges does not please the shareholders.
IMO we need to stop humanizing robots. There is no reason for a robot to be human in form. Form should match function. Furthermore, a humanoid robots elicit feelings from people that are not helpful or healthy. There are people who might ~~advise~~ abuse a robot because it isn't an actual person, it doesn't mean that their abuse is less mentally ill. They should be viewed as a machine and treated as such, no better than a car.
Humans are bipedal for a reason, it’s one of the most versatile and efficient forms of mobility. Plus the world is designed for humans, making an humanoid robot allows them to interact with things made for humans more easily.
And humans can grow an attachment to and anthropomorphize plenty of non-humanoid objects. So I think it’s fine that it’s human shaped.
Ugh... can we just fucking stop already?
actually, if we're painting them black, isn't that just blackface now?
It's not that people want to be upset, but that "news" sites get profit from clicks and attention. It's not that anyone cares about this, but saying people care about it gets hate views.
I mean, here you are talking about it...
Anyone remember the movie Ice Pirates? There’s a whole scene in there about the color of the robot.
Robots are white for the same reason Apple computers are white: to chase that 2001 A Space Odyssey aesthetic that's become shorthand for "futuristic."
Fuck it. All androids are now required to be highlighter yellow. That'll give em something to argue about.
So you’re comparing robots to Asians because they work a lot in school? That’s super racist.
No, we need blue robots like Smurfs. People won’t complain.
elect me president and i will mandate that all electronics of any kind be 80's beige pre-aged to piss-stained yellow.
Color: exists Newspapers: Does this color imply.. racism??