Getting Oklahoma but not Minnesota is frankly nuts.
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Yeah Minnesota is just Canada lite.
Oklahoma had an easy to remember shape
And there are tons of Quebec plates driving around New Hampshire. Mostly for the cheap booze I assume.
And it borders Quebec too. Unlike Louisiana.
I'm glad they know the trick for Kentucky (a chef outline cooking Kentucky Fried Chicken)
You can’t unsee this. I’ve tried.
This is the first time seeing it and it’s hilarious. Thanks!
Ooh. Now do Americans filling out Canadian provinces.
Ngl I’d just make up names
Is Ontario one?
It sure is.
Yay I did something
Is it two of them?
I’m gonna mix most of the interior ones up and totally forget that Montreal isn’t called Quebec.
Now the hard mode is Mexico. They have enough states to be confusing and not enough presence in English internet to be memorable
The spot near the border is called Toronto, everything else is Alaska junior. There is a small swamp somewhere called "Quebec". Up north is something beautiful called the Aurora Rae Jepsen.
How'd I do?
I thought it was just one giga state...
It is actually, Canada is the state. The US is the weird one with multiple states.
East to west along the US border is Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba?, Alberta?, and BC. I think.
Then there’s Nunavut. And maybe Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland? I’m realizing I have no idea how many provinces Canada has
Edit: Looked it up and I definitely missed a few
My rage at them getting New York wrong is only quelled in knowing that they pissed off many Pennsylvanians in the process.
who lives here
We're like 100 miles from every canadian in existence. Bruh
With the number of hockey players and associated rivalries churned out by that circle I question the OP's Canadian credentials.
I like that the who lives here circle has 3 of the top 4 most population dense states
Glad Seattle got in there, just happy to be remembered.
It's a little bigger than I remember
Don't mind me, just doing my daily 10 (12? 14?) hour commute from western Washington, across the Cascades and the Rockies, to Seattle.
Is this not correct?
Oof. I'd rate Ohio as one of the more memorable/unique shapes like Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, etc
He left out Chicago. 😞
I’m from the Midwest and when I travel overseas I just tell people I live “near Chicago” cuz it’s the only place between the Rockies and the Appalachians people reliably know.
Got all the relevant ones. Full marks.
I think it depends where you live in Canada. I'm in Quebec so the bunch of states you circled in New England with "who lives here?" is rather easy for people living in QC or NB, as they are our immediate neighbours.
Like, south of Montreal it's New York, then east of the Richelieu river/Champlain lake it's Vermont, then New Hampshire when you're getting east of the Memphremagog lake or south of Sherbrooke, then there's Maine between NB and QC. I dont know the rest but this part is easy.
come on now, wyoming is memorable for being so utterly fucking devoid of people that the entire state has a smaller population than luxembourg.
I remember Wyoming because it's super square.
That's it, literally everything I know about it.
edit: reinforced by a recent Map Men video.
As a Canadian I’m shit at remembering names, but give me an accurate list of State names and I could complete this map with at least 90% accuracy.
As it is, having to remember names off the top of my head I would likely only get about 50-60% correct.
My heart died a little at seeing my beautiful state slandered by being labelled as Arkansas
What? You now are living in the state formerly known as Idaho. Better than most folks got.
Huh. TIL Colorado has a Canadian border. I've been in CO for almost 10 years and didn't know that.
I live in "what"
West Dakota and East Dakota: nobody ever remembers us... 😢
I like how they get a bunch of corn-field-states but can't identify any of the east coast.
If the US the same number of people per state as each Canadian province there would be 88 states
I would say this person is from BC except they don't know where Seattle is.
Maryland and Delaware get no love smh
Better idea. Let's add two more Puerto Rico and the Virgin Isles
Both of the states I’ve lived in got ???’d 🥲