Bottoms cup stack is the shortest
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Bottoms cup stack is the shortest
Yeah, this is Hexbear
I see all the "liberal" cups were already taken so this won't work at all
Oh, nobody's taken any cups from the pile yet
My :cracker: ass grabbing the and
cups like a true patriot!
Holy shit did you actually make that setup?
Yes. I, reclusive author Thomas Pynchon, constructed this cups arrangement.
You can tell people are because "verse" got real honest when push came to shove
That's unironically an amazing idea with the cups and bars across the west should adopt this method for patrons.
Do I pick Irish or hammer and sickle?
is a trap. We're all liberals.
Smh, no option for anarcho-monarchists, this is Mountbatten-erasure
Whats verse
Bottom but you won't find out till they come over.
"Versatile", which means someone is open to being the top or the bottom
Oh the good one
look, i could if I had to but i'd be really bad at it
twirling my hair and giggling or what, officer? you'll handcuff me? pin me down? have complete and total dominance over me? you can't arrest me in a volcel compliant way, fool
How do I get invited to that party
You're already here. Welcome!
The party comes to you
~~Seems they solved the top supply shortage~~
The bottom pile is lower so there still seems to be a surplus of bottoms.
I thought its number of cups = number of that kind of people
That wouldn't make much sense. You put this at the table so that people can grab a cup and identify themselves with it. It works the same as the hanky code, you use it to signal something you're interested in such that others can go up to you (as opposed to having to ask everyone at the party if they're a top or bottom).
I hadn't considered the overlap of "Verse" and ""
I was never at a party so this didnt occur to me
Me neither I just applied my process engineering knowledge to optimize this gay bar setup
No, there were a few more originally. Also I may have underestimated how many of the accounts here are operated by the same people.
My face walking around that party double fisting
Us blue cuppers continue to be in short supply. Too many
I am going to narrowly avoid cutting myself trying to make a multi-colored cup then just give up and go home early
Being verse technically makes me both top and bottom, and I am an Irish communist, so I will take all five and make one very big super cup
Since when do real communists post on Hexbear?