There needs to be a purge within the Party. These corporate freaks and consultants and their pet politicians must be expelled from the Party. Democrats can't allow them to call the shots anymore.
United States | News & Politics
No. The Democratic party deserves extinction. Can't say who or what would replace them, but they're dead.
Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle.
-Vladimir Lenin
The Dems are failures, plain and simple, but there is a path forward that doesn't involve them. It is the number 1 duty of leftists to get organized, and read theory. I can provide an intro list to Marxism if you want, but Blackshirts and Reds is an excellent primer. It helps us understand what fascism is, who it serves, where it comes from, and how we can banish it forever.
How do you purge 95% of a party and all of its power brokers and backers without just building a new party? It's not like the capitalists came in and hijacked it, they were always one half of the American single-party state.
That's like reforming the Nazi party, by the time you've fixed the Democratic party you'll have changed everything about it.
Vote in your down ballot primaries, and volunteer hard to get progressives in. People in those state/local offices often tend to move upwards in the party
Consider also running for office yourself
Well the Democratic Party learn their lesson? No.
Narrator voice record scratch ...... They didn't learn.
The xenophobic finger-pointing continues.
all out war against the Palestinian people
Say the 'g' word - genocide, you king cuck coward
Where was this months ago!?!?
He was too busy endorsing Harris..
As he does - support the best option that has a realistic chance of happening even if that's just because it's a lesser evil. He did it with Hillary too even after the DNC stabbed him in the back, and for the same reason: he saw the disastrous potential of a Trump presidency.
That ship has sailed and sunk, so now it's time for aggressive introspection in the hopes that we can make a better ship next time that actually does its job.
...assuming there's a next time.
Oh fuck right off Bernie. You solidified yourself as one of their satellites when you went down without a fight after super tuesday 2020. I remember you standing side by side with them lying to us about Gaza just fucking weeks ago. Retire. All the good that could come out of you is tapped.
Populism clearly wins elections, which is why the Democrats would shun a platform like this
Why win elections when you can lose elections and have your policies implemented anyway?
Tbh, to me, this reads like “fuck you assholes. I’m founding a new political party right the fuck now, because you clearly cannot be bothered to pay the fuck attention to people’s actual fucking lives”. I hope I’m right. The DNC deserves to fully collapse for this result. It’s utterly damning.
The Green Party already exists as a Soc Dem party, I doubt Bernie alone can destabilize the DNC by jumping to the Greens or launching a new party. PSL is in a better position to attack the DNC's foundations IMO.
They didn't learn when Hillary did it, they squeaked by with Biden because nobody could stomach another 4 years of orange man, and they shit the bed in entirely the same way with Harris. They'll keep the same quislings in control, propping up the Republican monarchists and throw a bunch more elections to make sure there's a supermajority the next go around to get some real work done for the fascists. This is the way.
Unfortunately, I don't think any of this bothers them. As long as politics is controlled by money, this is the ultimate destination for any major political party.
If Bernie Sanders and Jon Stewart run in 2028, we might have a chance to install people that would actually attempt to remove blatant bribery from politics. Otherwise, this is it.
Bernie's gonna be in his 90s by then. He won't run and I won't blame him.
Dude litterally spent his entire life trying to help us. We consistently turned him down. He did all he could, the blame is not with him.
Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle.
-Vladimir Lenin
Bernie and Jon Stewart will be too old by then. More than that, ceding defeat without fighting to begin with is the height of foolishness. It is the number 1 duty of leftists to get organized, and read theory. I can provide an intro list to Marxism if you want, but Blackshirts and Reds is an excellent primer. It helps us understand what fascism is, who it serves, where it comes from, and how we can banish it forever.
Jon Stewart is not that old. He's only 61.
That's still above retirement age, he shouldn't have to run, nor am I in the mindset that he would be enough to course correct.
Obviously he shouldn't have to run, but he's not remotely too old. He's sharp, has experience dealing with the political system (and succeeding), is extremely knowledgeable and insightful about the state of society, etc.
He doesn't want to be a politician, though, so it's a moot point.
This might be the last chance if even there is one. No centrist Democrat should ever be looked at again until this is corrected.
The Democrats are incapable of moving left, they draw their resources and legitimacy from their donors.
No, fuck no. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is like, their whole deal.
Marx and Lenin are vindicated every time the dems fumble what was supposed to be an easy election.
no no they will not
Bernie is the modern day version of Bernstein. Bernie's emphasis on gradual reform and cooperation with the bourgeoisie is essentially an abandonment of the fight for socialism. Much like Bernstein did in hist time, Bernie prioritizes short-term gains for workers within the capitalist system instead of striving for its overthrow. He built a country wide movement that inspired millions of people, and then he made it all about the election. Once he lost the whole movement just fizzled overnight.
In the coming weeks and months those of us concerned about grassroots democracy and economic justice need to have some very serious political discussions.
Fucking tell them Bernie. Too many people are still in denial about the truth of that happened in this election. Hint: It's not Americans hating women. It's not Americans hating black people. It's not Harris being handed an impossible situation. It's not whatever excuse you came up with or heard (seriously why do people feel the need to make excuses for political candidates' failure).
They always will fail, they serve the same donors and bourgeois powers as the republicans. That's why they threw away their voterbase and catered with Liz Cheney. Marx and Lenin are vindicated by the passage of time. They were not clairvoyant, they just accurately analyzed the systems around them and saw what necessarily follows from their directions.
Everyone, get organized, read theory, learn self-defense and self-sufficiency. A good primer is Blackshirts and Reds. Defend yourselves and protect each other. I can provide an intro list to Marxism if anyone wants to read up on theory.
Every failure is an opportunity to fundraise.
Awww, they let the doggie off his leash!
kinda doubt they care overmuch as theyre making money either way