Cowboy Bebop
Anime Discussion
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3,2,1, let’s jam
Kannou Youko is a goddess. Change my mind. She did an absolutely fucking stellar job on that entire OST.
Berserk (1997)
So put your grasses on...
Everything will go wrong!
Hot take, most of the Naruto intros, especially Shippuden.
First off, there are some bangers. Some of the most emotional moments of the shows are the intros.
Second runner up is for sure the NGE intro. Absolutely slaps.
Edit: Ok hold the fuck up, what the fuck am I thinking: Tell Me Why - by the Pen Pals. Hands down the best.
Man Haruka Kanata was a particularly solid one and a bunch of songs by Asian Kung Fu generation are pretty decent rock tracks.
Eva and Bebop
Any anime. The songs are part of the story.
Mob Psycho season 1. It's just amazing. Also, Barakamon.
Pokemon, the OG. I'm also loving all the cowboy Bebop. Also couple seasons of FMA are straight up bangers!
Evangelion, pretty much all the FMA:Brotherhood ops, School Rumble, and Jellyfish Princess.
Ranma 1/2 natch
Witch Hunter Robin.
- Btooom!: Probably the best part of the show was the op lmao
- Code Geass R2: I actually think op4 and 5 are the best from code geass, and I didn't like op2 from r1
- Ga-Rei: Zero: Awesome show, awesome song
- Happy Sugar Life: Like melting Madoka Magica's op and ed together
- Houseki no Kuni: The show is extremely good, and the op itself conveys its atmosphere.
- Kiss x Sis OVA: The op and the ed are both good in different senses
- Kiss x Sis tv: I don't like the op, but the ed is pretty good.
- Madoka Magica: op and ed are polar opposites
- Mirai Nikki: (Show bad, op good) ^ 1000
- Noragami Aragoto: We all know that one.
- Shiki: Mainly the ops and eds that BUCK-TICK composed
- Shinsekai Yori: The first ed is pure and fine art.
- Steins;Gate
- Toradora: I hated op1 at first (and i repeated op2 again and again a month after toradora cuz i couldnt get over it)
- Yosuga no Sora: lmao
The end theme for black lagoon still occasionally gives me goosebumps, I think it’s how atmospheric it is and somewhat calm/sad after the chaos of a typical BL episode. That I never saw the end of the outro until my second watch and always assumed it was her walking to her death after a firefight.
First season of Vinland and Steins;Gate
Definitely Jujutsu Kaisen same as the outro way too catchy.
And even though it's a Netflix anime, Super Crooks what a hot banger of an intro!
Idk about rewatching but the domestic girlfriend op is way too good. here Also yoasobi exist and make banger ops.
The Domestic Girlfriend OP is such a banger
Cowboy Bebop, obviously.
Less obviously? Drifters. "Gospel of the Throttle" by Minutes Til Midnight goes so fucking hard.
Also, "Good Morning World," the first Dr. Stone intro, is too perfectly chosen to ever skip.
Also Samurai Champloo. Battlecry is 🔥
Hellsing (2001).
Yuyu Hakusho
Digimon from S01 to S03.
And many from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden.
Re:Creators' first theme gravityWall, is great.
Just off the top of my head...
Cowboy Bebop, Kekkai Sensen S1, Durarara, SSSS Gridman, Death Parade, Jojo 2nd
EDs: Samurai Champloo, SpyxFamily, Kekkai Sensen, any psychological/philosophical show (like Psychopass and Death Parade) because I'm having a wtf moment anyway and need it to wash over me.
Gintama Pray and Donten
All of them. I only watch shows with absolute banger openings
There are a few that transcend that, and became the reason I would watch multiple episodes at a time. All intros for Steins;Gate, Durarara, Kaguya-sama, and Nichijou are the best of the best
Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei has some bangers.
OG Dragon Ball
Steins Gate, Psycho Pass, Tokyo Ghoul, FMA, Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy, Vinland Saga, Soul Eater, 91 Days, 1st OP of Food Wars, and I’m sure a few others I’m forgetting.
Code Geass almost makes the cut, but I usually end up skipping it eventually.
Edit: Oh, and most of the JoJo OPs.
I've liked a lot of openings but usually end up skipping eventually, the only one I can think of I wouldn't was Death Parade, it's too much of a banger
Hozuki's Coolheadedness, and Ergo Proxy.
I'll admit to skipping most after a few episodes or if I'm in a marathon, but I love the intro to Vivy, don't think I ever skipped that one, nor will I when I rewatch that..
Made in Abyss because again, the music is awesome (big Penkin Fan), Bepop and Champloo I tend to watch every time too. there are probably tons of others but I cant remember everything cause my brain is mostly made of mud these days.
Polar bear's cafe (shiro Kuma cafe). Niche but great! Also super wholesome