funny how authoritarians always find policy alignment, no matter how much the tankies tell you north korea is a worker's paradise
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I've honestly never heard anyone describe North Korea as a worker's paradise.
Luckily we can't see lemmygrad normally from .world
oh good. stay off lemmy before the brain defects reach you
Where are the tankies when you need them for once?!
Wow a free holiday to Ukraine for divorced couples? Dear leader is the most amazing and generous unlike those AmeriKKKan dogs.
I had no idea it was that easy to ensure your citizens will never get married!
Unmarried?? That's a trip to the labor camps!
Married no kids?? That's right labor camps.
Married, kids, no boys?? You better believe that's labor camp.
Do you really think people will have a choice? Here's your wife chosen for you by the Party. Do you marry her or are you an anti-socialist class traitor?
Are there punishments for remaining single?
No idea 🤷
"reports Radio Free Asia (RFA)."
can we ban radio free asia sources pls, thank you.
If this was real why wouldn't they just ban divorce?
Are we expected to believe you go to the divorce office and they're like "okay, and once you sign the divorce papers, we'll get you going off to the labor camps"
After doing a sociological background check, I think the news article is true. NK is a hard place to get information from, but in that case, you establish whether something is plausible in a given society. I started my check from here:
"As of the late 2010s, marriage rates in North Korea have been reported as very high (over 96% of adults aged 30+ are married), and divorce rates as very low (less than 1% of North Korean population is classified as separated or divorced according to official data).[7]"
Maintaining a 96% marriage rate and a 1% divorce rate is not possible without coercion. So there is no doubt that some kind of coercion is used to get people married and prevent them from divorcing in North Korea.
See also:
Arranged marriage is still popular in North Korea.[8]
See also: a long article about marriage and divorce in NK in the previous decades. Does not include mention of recent developments. Ends at the COVID-19 timepoint (2020), when divorces increased. Apparently, coercion existed then too, but was primarily economical:
The processing fee for divorce is as high as 80 percent of the average monthly salary of workers, so residents find it really difficult to divorce, realistically speaking. Also, those who seek a divorce for a second time should file a petition with a higher court. In most cases, alimony is not recognized for divorced women.
Also, they don't recognize divorce by mutual agreement. To get a divorce over there, someone has to be at fault in the authorities' eyes. And from being at fault to being punished - very short trip in that country.
Divorce by mutual consent isn’t recognized in the North, as opposed to South Korea.
If one of the parties is at fault in all cases of divorce why are they both being punished?
This information makes it much more plausible, sure, but it still doesn't prove anything.
Considering the source, i'd need actual evidence that this has been said by the party, any physical evidence of this at all is necessary in my eyes. Legal documents shouldn't be that hard to comeby, the claim is that kim jong un himself said it, is there no recording of this? Why not?
Was this not on their news? Why not?
Considering this source often tells plausible lies, I don't believe them without a shred of evidence
this is the level of lies that source spews out, this being somewhat plausible really just isn't enough when we factor in the source knowingly lies regularly. To me that just means they did their due diligence to make the lie believable.
If the source regularly knowingly lies, plausibility just isn't enough.
This information makes it much more plausible, sure, but it still doesn’t prove anything.
Yes. Getting hard information from a very closed country requires more time. And I'm sure that does tempt people with inventing news about North Korea, so I understand your skepticism.
Over time, news tend to get confirmed or refuted, so in a few weeks or months, one should find out with a high degree of certainty.
There's also the fact that this source does that systematically for funding, there is no less reliable of a source, if radio free asia told me the sky is blue in NK I wouldn't buy it.
Are you saying it's not true based solely on the source?
What if it is true? Then can we keep them around?
RFA is expressly anti communist propaganda run by the USA government. Their source for this piece is "a guy told us".
It's hard to prove a negative, but I mean it does seem absolutely stupid.
The only time RFA tells the truth is because they are lying twice
Yes, that source has been caught lying countless times, even if was true I wouldn't trust this source, and they provided no evidence.
If it ends up being true, it's a broken clock situation, and the source should STILL be banned.
The beatings will continue until morale improves
Tough but fair.
Doesnt the source of this make it pretty likely to be fake though? We should be atleast a bit suspicious of the news that comes out about NK
Does it? All I see are people spreading FUD but not giving any evidence as to why this isn't true.
Radio Free Asia is known to spread propaganda and iirc is a cia front but im not positive on that
Yeah I'm just seeing a lot of tankies crying with no real reasoning.
Let me be clear, I am not a tankie, north korea is an evil, authoritarian state that needs to go down
but radio free asia is literally just nonsense for clicks, and funded by the US government as a propaganda mill. Their source for this is "some guy said"
They don't have any video of kim jong un saying it, they don't have any proof at all, actually follow the primary sources in this article, there's absolutely nothing.
^^ please read this, it makes it clear what this organization is. I hate this because it muddies the water when we're talking about actual problems, because of radio free asias constant barrage of nonsense, it's almost impossible to know when north korea/china/whatever actually does something fucked up. This is a serious problem and they need to go down.
Divorcees yearn for the mines
Man, you can bet your ass had this been a policy here I would have signed the fuck up for me and my cheating bitch of an ex wife.
6 months of hard labor sounds terrible, but to make her go through it too would put a smile on my face.
Where's the vote option for "good point but what the hell bro, get therapy"
Man I've been doin the therapy part. Discovering the images of another dudes dick with the naked photos of your wife she sent does something really fucked up to the brain.
Really fucked up. I mean I'm a lot better than I was, but shit dude, it... Fucks you up. A year and a half since that discovery, 5 years since she had the affair. At my current state I'm ok being single, because I don't ever want to go through anything remotely so painful again
Same boat. It was December 13, 2023 that I found out. Still waiting for the anger and hurt and deadness to stop.
I don't think it will stop. It hasn't for me. But it has gotten easier. Reaching the realization that I was infatuated with an idea of her, rather than who she really was, has helped.
Her mom had an affair when she was a kid and her parents divorced. She never forgave her mom, or so I thought. She swore up and down she'd never be like that. She clearly lied about her own principles.
Many hugs, friend. For what it's worth, I hope you're wrong and that it will stop someday. We've both still got a lot of living to do, and maybe even still some love buried deep in our black hearts.
I hope I'm wrong too. Best of luck friend
Either you work through it... or you work through it 🤷
Kim Jong went back on the decision?
Hi, pan poly socialist here.
You're wrong dude. There's nothing anti-socialist about ending a marriage with an asshole, just like there's nothing anti-socialist about quitting a job from a bad employer
Pretty sure whatever NK has isn’t socialism.