Bees, I'm with you. Bee keeping is not inhumane to the bees. It is worth mentioning that kept bees are usually not the same native pollinator species, but there's nothing horrific about harvesting honey.
Factory egg farming is a horror show, especially in the USA. I agree that domesticated chickens shouldn't be set free to repopulate the grasslands, but neither should they be tortured for their eggs. Most people picture a red bard and an old lady in a sunhat collecting eggs from a straw bed where her chicken lays.
Here's a video tour of what it actually looks like.
This was produced by the farm to show how humanely they produce their eggs, and that's as good as they can possibly make it look. Notice the "cage free" chicken environment, where even the vet they hired and the owner narrating mention the bird-on-bird violence that is worse among the cage-free birds.
I'm not even going to link the videos they don't want you to watch.