Further proof that Tankie is just the liberal version of "SJW" or "Woke"; a meaningless buzzword to describe anything left of them.
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
this is the kind of take you get from people who literally never leave the internet. a man doing an extreme act of self-sacrifice for a cause he believed in (and a cause that is plainly correct)? to the average person he's a hero, but to the internet-addled liberal he's a mentally ill tankie
Jesus christ is now a tankie
The only time Christ used violence was against money changers, it's just the biblically correct position
I mean, non-theology pilled christians can't easily answer you how self immolation for your truth is different from praying in the whatever garden before going to be crucified. Jesus knew he would die, he was afraid and he still did it, difference is negligible
In the US they tend to be so indoctrinated on the ideology of rugged individualism (owe nothing to society, thus owed nothing) that concepts like martyrdom are just meaningless words they read in religious text. Extremely ironic because it's a concept that is near universal to all religions.
Friendly reminder that this is how they would justify any of our murders. Super cool not mainlining American propganda makes you a persona non grata to the libs.
Do not trust the liberals. They will betray you.
yep. just imagining the media discourse on me if I was randomly in the news. All the hogs would be cheering for my death
I kind of hope that seeing this discourse play out in real time will make some of the self-proclaimed anarchists&leftists who love to call others tankies realize where their favourite left-bashing term comes from and how it gets utilized.
Tankie has been used against anti-imperialist anarchists and demsocs for years, if they still haven't caught on to it it's unlikely they'll realize now.
Bio: "Lifelong conservative, now an independent. Pro-immigration, pro-free trade. Jewish. Furry. Aquascaper. Elections forecaster. I hate leftists and MAGA."
The furry community disavows.
Mfw my anti communist internet community is filled to the gills with fashs and liberals
Get in the tank, comrade! We're overthrowing this fucking state!
it's dialectics. anarchism + marxism = armored war machine
Sectarianism has been solved. The left has been unified. We shall not make excuses for the terror.
I love my anarcho-tankie comrades!
Sudden urge to go check on the 196 paedophiles and see how they're handling the sacrifice of Aaron Bushnell
To be frank I would rather check in on 0 pedophiles than 196...
There is not a single blip about it, they're too busy posting unfunny garbage and chaser memes.
Edit: Looks like there was a single thread that didn't get much traction. The sub is not as political as it used to be (unless there's a chance to be sectarian against 'tankies') so that's to be expected.
Too busy posting greentexts on reddit to care about Palestine, basically
"pay no attention to these tankies"
as an ML who through circumstance has largely organized with anarchists for real world praxis in my area... yeah, real anarchists are indistinguishable from tankies to a lib. my anarchist comrades have questions about china (none really about vietnam/cuba, they read news) and they are largely fair and the ones that are misdirected they trust me to explain. left unity is entirely possible, our differences are not irreconcilable. while I believe that a revolution which lasts must necessarily create a dictatorship of the proletariat to correct the developmental course, the anarchist expression must persist in its nonviolent form as a conscience and reminder that a stateless and classless society is our ultimate goal
when the revolution comes we will need special places where some people have to be educated in order to rethink some of their perceptions about the world, a re-education, if you will
also, these places should be comfortable and inviting, open spaces, perhaps like a camp? I haven't worked out the details yet
Calling anyone left wing an Anarchist was the “Tankie” of the 19th and early 20th century. We’ve just come full circle.
The guy did a pretty much objectively brave and noble self-sacrifice in protest of a genocide our nation is arming, but his posts, man! His posts!
Also this is a strong piece of evidence for the definition of tankie as "traitor to the US / The West."
Oh no! How could this have happened? Brb gonna go disavow all my anarchist friends over the support of relevant and contemporary Soviet Leader Iosif Steelin.
When we first federated I had a bit like this. I would try and explain to lemmygrad comrades, the more anarchists you have the more tankie you are.
Everyone left of Reinhard Heydrich is a fking tankie to these cretins
Oh no. Will I have to get a new membership card now?