Wherever you look in history, the world's most damaging decisions have all been made by conservatives. Conservatism is at the root of every major problem humanity faces.
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It's in the name, conservatism is the opposite of progressivism, progress is a natural state, nothing stays as is forever, the only way to stop progress is to go against nature.
"Change" is the natural state, and not all changes are "progress".
Conservative used to be "want to take things slow to see which changes are good and which are bad".
Stagnatives and Retrogrades should be separate categories.
Found the Nurgulite.
To be clear that's not an insult.
Is this a reference to WH40k? I'm not well versed in its lore.
Indeed it is. Nurgul is the Chaos God that is in charge of natural cycles of death decay and rebirth. His followers spread diseases all over the place. Though now that I think about it Tzeench is in charge of "change," IIRC.
If The Emperor Had a Text To Speech is a remarkably close to canon primer for the universe, if a bit tongue in cheek.
Conservative isn't really the correct term for the right anymore. They're not just conservative, they're regressive
Fascist, the term for today's conservatives is fascist.
That man created so many problems,
You mean the Republican all other republicans idolize?
All other Republicans and most of the Dem leadership, yes.
Him and Nixon. Those two are only in the shadow of Wilson and Jackson for being terrible presidents.
And Trump? Please say, "and Trump."
He's more of a symptom of the disease in American society rather than the cause. His presidency was a disaster, but he was too dumb to do a lot of damage.
But I also see his presidency sort of like crossing the Rubicon. He has crossed a lot of boundaries no other president has done before. I would be really worried about who will come next.
Need a bit of time to see how his tenure impacts long-term, but he's certainly up for consideration.
The amount of harm caused by Reagan and specifically engineered to be possible after his time in office is immense. The man was a rat to his fellow actors, informing on suspected socialists and commies. He only got worse from there.
Reagan helped destroy 'The Fairness Doctrine.' Back when there were only a limited number of TV and radio channels available for broadcast, the government had strict rules, One was that any time a station ran an editorial it had to provide equal time for a response. Another was that no one could own more than one TV station in an area.
Yeah that last bit would clip Sinclair's wings a bit, but if we brought the Fairness Doctrine back in it's old incarnation it wouldn't cover cable or internet productions.
Obligatory fuck Ronald Reagan
US 'democracy' ist just fundamentally broken. All my life I've heard shit that dates back to Reagan, people always complain about it, yet neither party ever cared to fix things he broke. You guys really need more parties, but of course neither party is willing to change the system enough to make that viable since they'd give up power. That alone should call for mass protests.
Democracy is a progressive idea. It tends to work in spite of conservative opposition to it. Conservatives have ham-strung and sabotaged it since the beginning in the U.S. If they are ever able, conservatives will remove democracy entirely and replace it with whatever causes the most harm to the most vulnerable people.
Nothing good in human history has ever come from conservatism. Nothing at all.
Enter Project 2025
They're (most are) willing to let one genocide facilitator carry on because other one might be worse. Like, the solution is not of try and stop the genocide, it's about their fear of the other guy being worse. So basically wait and see if anyone even survives till the election and then forget anything ever happened.
They have been so accustomed to choosing war criminals and such as their president, you can kill all the brown people out there for all they care. There's literally no consequences so the psyche is why give a fuck now.
Nothing logical gets through their thick skull about fixing things they've brought onto themselves. And if you even dare to critisize them, you're part of a tankie/rusky/north korean psy ops. And that's the end of it. The cognitive dissonance is just beyond logic.
They're just so afraid of the status quo changing that they might have to deal with shit, which is fine when they cause it on the other side the world.
They are never the problem, everyone else is out to get them. Even when they're in the very wrong side of the history. They're winning. The brainwashing is real.
Despicable people don't deserve democracy.
Abolish the stock market
Occupy wa... Ahh shit...
And that was Obama.
I think people want to remember that as part of the Bush years (or... At least I know I do).
That was undone on Obama watch.
I had friends there. Obvious feds fucked that shit up from the inside out. Thanks Obama
It was in that fuzzy in between time right after Bush nationalized half the financial sector and right before Obama sold it back to the investor class at small profit/large loss (depending on how you weight the massive cut in interest rates as subsidy).
But oh man, that takes me back. Remember when the NYPD arrested 700 OWS protesters as they crossed the Brooklyn Bridge?
If I could go back in time and say "you will unrionically be thrilled to hear from Mitt Romney and Liz Cheny, and watch heads explode...". Like to be clear, this isn't a both sides, those folks have blood on their hands.
But what I wouldn't give to go back in time and be like: "so... Listen... It gets pretty ugly..."
Shorting should also be illegal
Shorting DJT is funny as shit though.
Not when it's going up.
The fact that a Mastodon instance that hasn't been updated since 2022 has a $6B valuation should be in the first chapter of every Econ 101 textbook.
Reagan and Nixon's administrations really do feel like the US' modern original sin. So many of their policies have had catastrophic long-term negative effects.
Just look up "what the fuck happened in 1971". There's a website with tons of graphs and charts all changing for the negative during the Nixon administration
Nixon, Regan, W, and Trump
4 absolute awful, piece of shit presidents. Hurt the middle and working class for generations. Caused wars and deaths of thousands.
All Republicans.
Yeah it's my opinion that Regan was the worst president until Trump - worse than Nixon. He's my pick for retroactive lead-based timeline correction.
Was Nixon a bad president? He wasnt a crook (allegedly) and made a boss Nass impression with his "Law and Orhrhrder" line.
/Foreigner who only know pop culture references to Watergate
He did sabotage the Paris peace accords which ultimately extended the Vietnam War by many years. Also, he created the HMO system that kept the US from having Universal Healthcare. He also authorized G Gordon Liddy to wire tap his Democrat opponent (very much making him a crook). So... yeah. Bad president.
Ronald Reagan is my personal dinkleberg tbh
Used to be a lot more dividends. Stock buybacks are essentially the same thing as dividends, but dividends are taxed at the marginal tax rate and buybacks are taxed at capital gains rate. It's all a tax dodge for the super rich.
The more I read about this Reagan, the more it seems he was not fit to run as president, probably Trump did less damage to the country than him, and that's a very low bar.
Regan came up with the strategic defense initiative after watching Star Wars and deciding that lasers could shoot down ballistic missiles.
He also got concerned about cyber security only after watching Wargames.
After watching Sneakers, he made a lot of his generals watch it too.
Bro let Hollywood dictate too much of his thinking.
And while we're ragging on the Gipper let's not forget how he eviscerated the ATC union to the point where we are STILL recovering to this day.