So she stole $60000 from the months of hard working publishers and $122 from authors
Mildly Interesting
This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.
This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?
Just post some stuff and don't spam.
Does this include any "library of things?" Because at my library I can check tools, thermal image cameras, tables, board games and all sorts of other things.
Where are you where you have those options? Id love to be able to checkout tools at the library.
Not poster but northeast US in the more populated areas seem to have better stocked libraries. Mine has music, movies, board games, and a whole bunch of random equipment for stuff like research or cooking or building. Microscopes and knitting sets and pasta makers, construction equipment etc.
This is pretty common in most blue states.
I’ve been to libraries where you can borrow music CDs, movie DvDs, and even games such as Nintendo Switch cartridges. My local library does DvDs but not the other stuff.
I don't know whether she takes advantage of them, but that library definitely has a LoT.
Regarding libraries, this is such a socialist idea, that enriches society and educates the people. I wonder why no one thought to defund them, because think of the lost profits for companies like Amazon, etc. /s
Republicans absolutely have tried and are trying to defund librairies.
And have succeeded. In the stupidest ways. I can't find the article since there are so many fucking attempts, but there was one where they got rid of the library's funding in the only public room in town big enough to hold the meeting on getting rid of the library's funding: the library's meeting room.
Anyone who has ever suggested defunding or closing libraries should be hanged at the stake.
Or forced to read their opinions, out-loud, to their peers.
Burned from the neck until dead
Patron status is ok
Glad your friend is doing well! Send my regards.
How much money is she spending that just the savings add up to 60'000? Or is that just an error and that's the joke?
It’s the price of the books she would have bought otherwise.
Oh so just one grad school text book.
My partner is in the Lit world and you drastically underestimate how much some people can read. If they are an avid reader and a long-standing member I can see it. Especially If they're using the retail price to calculate that it adds up quick. hardcovers can easily be $40-60.
She also has a kid and has been going with the kid to the library since he was born to check out a bunch of books every week. He's in grade school now... I want to say he's 10?
$6996.99 per year is $134.56 per week. If you get 5 books per week, that's $26.91 per book. Given the picture includes a single book costing $19.95, that feels very reasonable. Maybe it's 6 books a week, maybe some books are more expensive.
That's a very consistent habit though.
They literally go every week and she and her husband and her kid all use it, so it would add up.
I go to the library every week with my kids. We usually have 20-30 books checked out at a time. 5 books per week is nothing for a whole family.
Yeah that's definitely where that amount is coming from if it's been well over a decade. Books are actually really fricken expensive!
Especially children's books in terms of a per-page ratio. You check out 10 children's books, because your kid will get through them all in a few days, that could be $200 worth of books.
I can go through 4 or more books a week depending on their length. I read a fuck ton. Using the Libby app to have books sent to my kindle automatically has really changed my life. Being able to just grab my kindle at any moment, read for 15 minutes while I wait for something, as well as an hour or two at the end of the night. It adds up quickly. I will say that I read a lot of "lighter" fare, so I can breeze through without much issue. If I get into something more heavy or some dense non-fiction it will slow down considerably.
She must read a book a day or only borrow gold plated books. 7k past year? If a book cost 20 dollars thats 350 books!
Libraries also have movies and games!
Also a lot of libraries have other stuff you can check out! Tools, sewing machine, printer, photo scanner etc!
We scanned hundreds of old photos in minutes with the thousand dollar value equipment at our library totally for free! It was really cool! Ours has all kinds of equipment for converting old media to digital.
Plus these huge satellite maps of our city from the past, it's like a 3.5'x3ft book of aerial photos. Idk what you'd need that for, but it was fun to look through them!
Going by Amazon, hardcover averages $26.75 and paperback is $22.30
Too many people sleep on libraries, they have all sorts of shit from music to movies on top of all the books, magazines, microfiche, etc.
I'm more impressed with all the shelf space she saved by returning those physical books.
Qbittorrent should add this
so what you're saying is the library IS tracking everything she reads conspiracy music intensifies