Americans get sooo mad when I say Cuba objectively has a more democratic system than us.
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people who know nothing about cuba get mad when you say that because tv told them cuba bad
"Bu-bu-but, it's a one-party state! That automatically makes it less democratic!"
and then you point out that the US is a 1 party state too, masquerading as a two party state which isnt any better and literally only exists as an illusion to trick these dummies into not seeing the one party state lol. these people are at each others throats hating each other when “both sides” of them largely believe the same stupid racist capitalist bullshit
But I can't even buy campaign ads in Cuba? How can you call that democracy?
So according to the 538 nerds, this is gonna be 2016 all over again lmao even down to the birthday tweet. Time really is a flat circle.
They learn nothing and forget nothing.
A year and a half of spectacle and entrail-reading just to end up with a coin flip.
Seriously we could have saved a year of time and a couple billion dollars by making the election a two week event and literally nobodies mind would have been changed.
Well, Americans treat looking for a president like American businessmen do while hiring. Damn do they love taking their sweet time to do it.
But that leaves so little time for fundraising!
omg, it really is gonna be 269 to 269, isn't it 😂
this is going to be so fucking funny, except for the risk of violence
do we think the libs will Rise Up if the tiebreaker goes to Trump, or will the MIC prevent his winning a tiebreak, or will they just work with him again because he was tolerable before, or what
in no universe will the libs "rise up" smh
They WILL join Dumbledore's Army
They WILL watch shows with the correct lib politics
They WILL write articles
I used to be very confident in this too, but every now and then, I look at /r/Ohio, and there have been a few threads of libs saying they've gotten guns and been training with them since Jan 6 because they're worried about "what the trumpers will do when he loses again"
and probably most of them are full of shit, but idk how confident I am that all of them are
Lib jan 6th would rule, I hope all the stupidest boomers kill each other
Quietly singing Hamilton songs in the whitehouse hallway
crack out the pussy hates babes
it really is gonna be 269 to 269,
God willing
I want that 269:269 so bad.
omg, it really is gonna be 269 to 269, isn't it 😂
I hate living in a perpetual state of "seeing history happen".
do we think the libs will Rise Up
Lol no definitely not. Despite all the fear mongering by the fascists in the republican media sphere, the democrats are not leftists, they love the system as much as the republicans do (who also claim to hate the system).
It was a system never intended to be a Democracy.
It was designed to balance the needs of a bunch of oligarchical states so they could act as a cohesive unit. They are the bourgeoisie version of the HRE or Greek City states. Instead of the nobility, it was white, wealthy, landowners.
Based on this map he only needs to win Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin, all of which are effectively tied. Lots of pathways to win. Kamala's got to win all three, or lose Pennsylvania and pick up like North Carolina.
I called it months ago. I bet trump carries all three and maybe more. It's going to be a slaughter lol
Say what you want about democratic centeralism but votes should have like 90% approval. I never really thought about it but there should bea threshold way above 50%. if 1in 2 people are unhappy with a vote it doesn't really represent the will of the people even though it is technically democracy
You're assuming this is designed to represent the will of the people. No, it's designed to give the ruling class a veneer of legitimacy
Why are the calling americas Democracy Colon a snake? Its foundational to the shit system! No respect for tradition I tell ya
lady liberty's diet is so devoid of fiber and nutrients that she has a pennsylvania lodged in her colon. will she please stop this carnivore diet bullshit?
There's a colonosCOPEy joke in there.
It's crazy to me that the margins are still so thin right now. Six states have a less than 2% difference between the candidates, any random event could swing the election right now. Trump is lucky Puerto Ricans can't vote lol
Puerto Ricans living in the states can though, and there's more of them than currently on the island itself.
A bunch of them, specifically, live in Pennsylvania
Four years before a presidential election, each state gets to make its case to be "The One!"
Its kind of like America's Got Talent or one of those shows where people sing at a panel of celebrities.
After 4 years of making their individual cases, slowly having the number of competitors winnowed down by viewer votes, the final state gets to be "The One!". The only state that matters during the presidential election. Think about it? All the wasted resources trying to campaign in states where a candidate KNOWS they aren't going to win, knows that the Electoral College invalidates the votes FOR all of the candidates that didn't get the majority. All the plane trips, all the Secret Service and local cops having to fuck up traffic in every city or town during a political event, all the campaign ads spread out inefficiently across the entire 50 states and US territories, all the handwringing about voting for the lesser of two monstrous evils... can just be focused at the state that gets to be "The One!" this year.
Seriously how much did that fucking rally in fucking TEXAS cost.
For a state that has been "about to go vlue" for my entire life
tell me more, I'm not caught up on this Texas rally. wait, a Texas rally? Kamala went to TEXAS in the last week of the campaign? [rolls eyes] only makes sense as theater and it's not even believable enough to make the Trump campaign flinch
If the number of Trump billboards in and around Philly are any indication, yeah
When I saw Trump speak months ago I was sure he was cooked. Should never have doubted Dems ability to lose from a position of strength
I'm a McDonald's truther. whatever they put in those fries he made has given him the strength and vigor to come back
Is that true, he only needs to win PA? And what about the dems do they need to win PA and more?
From what I can tell, yeah. At least according to the lanyard-dorks at 538: the blue genociders need to win every single swing state, but the red genociders just need to win PA. That's assuming the red genociders win Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina.
The only poll that matters is election day of course, but it seems IMO more likely for the wet boy to take it.
More or less.
Current odds I've seen is that Pa is 'the state' that decides the election about 1/3 of the time, with the other 6 'battleground' state making up most of the rest of the 2/3s
Am I drunk or does that… graph(?) make no sense
It makes more sense when you can use your clicky-boi (mouse) to interact with it (scroll down)
So one side has 16 states and the other has 10 for the same amount?
So the big wet boy only needs to win Pennsylvania, is that right?
Nah, you're misreading the graph mate
No, Kamala needs to win PA, along with WI and MI, or she loses (unless there's some weird polling error in Georgia and Arizona where those states are actually more favorable to her). Trump only has to win PA or WI or MI and he probably wins. She has to get lucky three times, he only has to get lucky once.
BUT if there is a polling error of some kind, it's widely systemic and national. So there's a chance of a Trump sweep and a chance of a Harris sweep where everything from MI to AZ on this list goes to one candidate or the other. So don't worry about the polls, just get out there and VOTE for Claudia de la Cruz
It's her turn!