- charmander
- totodile
- mudkip
- piplup
- tepig
- fennekin
- litten
- scorbunny
- weed cat
I barely pick grass lmao, but I love weed cat so much
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
I barely pick grass lmao, but I love weed cat so much
pig guy
the nerd
1-brain cell seal
short-ass crocodile
i <3 grass pokémon so two thirds of them being grass makes sense
that is all. thats the only pokemon you ever need
Skipping gens I didn't play
Pikachu (Yellow was my first video game)
Litten (even though the final evo was a letdown)
I like Incineroar! A wrestling heel Pokémon is an insanely funny concept.
Litten is a cute little kitty, Incineroar is just a guy, I felt bait-and-switched. I was hoping for something closer to a fire type Persian.
Yeah I think everyone was lol. I would prefer they stop making them all so humanoid too. At least Skeledirge (the latest fire starter) evolves into a quadrupedal thicc croc. Love that weirdo.
On a related note, I wish they buffed Azumarill earlier.
Bulbasaur: i always like bulbasaur from the anime and hope GF will bring back its mega
Cyndaquil: mostly because of the hisuan version
Mudkip: king of adv OU
Turtwig: i love the turtle and its ground/grass stabs now it gets shell smash
Snivy: i like snakes and contrary leaf storm
Froakie: a really cool ninja frog
Rowlet: i just like his last evo look
Grookey : its one of the best grass mons
Fuecoco: best unaware tank plus its a croc
Tortoise with artillery, fight me
Why would I fight you, I'm a huge Gamera fan, I love Blastoise, I just love Venusaur more
I have no skin in the pokemans game but I have to remark that the top right creature bears a striking resemblance to
I almost never go with Totodile, but that's because you can get champs like Wooper and Qwilfish (if you're patient) before the second gym.
Bulbasaur Totodile Mudkip Turtwig Oshawott Froakie Litten Grookey Sprigatito
all of them
none wtf is this
weed cat
Bulbasaur cyndaquil treecko piplup oshawott chespin popplio cinderace weedcat
i always pick the cutest
Charmander - I would like a Flying Type eventually, though I think Charmander is really cute. Squirtle otherwise and is almost always my first pick.
Chikorita - would not evolve. I like the little thing.
Mudkip - Swampert seems like the most dependable water type final evolution.
Turtwig - Torterra is just cool.
Snivy - though I feel bad he loses arms upon evolution.
Chespin - though the humanoid final forms start to bother me here
Rowlet - A ghost type evolution is cool and I mean look at Rowlet.
No pick - the final forms have long since stopped being animals in an ecosystem and more humanoid references, but this was too far.
Fuecoco because his final form actually resembles an animal.
Lol I have almost the exact same opinions as you except I love Oshawott (Dewott is the best middle stage, Samurott is a disappointment) and I hate Chespin. Gen 6 and 8 easily have the worst starters imo.
If I'm ranking starter selections, it goes Sinnoh > Alola > Hoenn > Paldea > Johto > Unova > Kanto > Galar > Kalos
Sinnoh stays winning
Diamond was the first game I played and therefore Sinnoh is my favourite, its like the most straightforward Pokemon experience. If I wanted to get someone into Pokemon I would give them Platinum.
But ngl the regional dex is kinda stinky. Hoenn and Alola have the best dexes imo
yeah platinum was my first so there's definitely some bias. but i completely agree, i recommended it to someone and she loved it
gen 6 and 9 starters really are just so disappointing
Scorbunny is a beast, what are you on about??
He okay I guess, just not my jam personally
Just realizing I don’t know any pokey mans beyond gen 3
child-me would choose the fire type every fucking time but she was dumb so if i was choosing now:
What's the generation 9 game called? Gonna try playing it to see what modern Digimans game look like these days.
Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet
They look like ass sometimes (The Switch seems to have trouble with open world games. Maybe something to do with ram or memory or whatever) but if you can look past that, they're a good time.
Parentheses are what I chose first the first time I played that generation.
And no, I don't remember 9th gen cause I can't play those games due to the framerate. Makes me ill with all the framerate jumping.
5(1) Grass types
1(4) Fire type
3(4) Water types
I must hate fire. To be fair, I really do love Cyndaquil. All of the starters in 2nd gen are amazing.
Nice to see a fellow Chikorita enjoyer
uhh idk i never liked any of these (i took froakie but in hindsight greninja is overpushed)
quaxly / fuecoco dead heat
also, i don't care what any of you ever say, sword and shield were absolute trash and anyone complaining abour scarlet/violet performance is wrong while the wild area still exists
Scarlet and Violet took the worst part of Sword and Shield and made it the whole game
Where my girlypops at?
2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1
Green green green blue green blue blue red green