fuck it, yolo
trust me, i was bugged by the same thing. it's not worth it even batting an eye over it.
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fuck it, yolo
trust me, i was bugged by the same thing. it's not worth it even batting an eye over it.
The perils of logarithmic scale
Fuck the easy. Prime numbers for volume. Always and only.
Just got a new car and the sound system volumes are really confusing.
5 is for very quiet listening when you still want to hear vehicle and outside sounds while windows and roof are closed.
8 is loud enough to make you miss outside and some vehicle sounds but you can still talk to people in the vehicle albeit kinda louder than casual conversation.
10 is not different enough from 8 unless it’s a quieter song that needs the bump up.
12 is loud enough to get listening fatigue on long drives and drown out most vehicle sounds. Yelling required to talk to passengers.
15 is noticeably distorted and gets dangerous for more than a few minutes.
20 is blown out and not recommended ever.
The maximum volume of the system is 99.
7 is a nice round 10 in septenary numbers.
Charge your phone.
Charging it right now
That's a picture of a radio's screen
Look at the screen, btw :3
I should've guessed someone on SDF wouldn't be using a phone.
(Fedora, btw)
Nah, 7 fucks. 7 is cool.
7 is a prime. It's perfect
This. I always go to primes first, then adjust from there if necessary.
5 is the lowest I can go on my TV and still hear when I'm directly in front of it.
7 is okay, 11 is better
13 is when i start hearing more subtle details
17 is just about right for watching a Christopher Nolan movie at night without disturbing the neighbors
19 when the movie has a lot of low talking
23 when the neighbors are playing their music
29 when the lawn people are mowing outside
31 if they're blowing leaves as well
47 if I want to hear the dialogue in a Christopher Nolan movie
For me there's a significant volume difference between 7-8. 7 is too soft and 8 is too loud. The difference between those two also sounds greater than 6-7, like it's missing a step or something and is doing two at once.
6.9 Nice
Why not give finer level of control?
Because on a scale of 1 to 100, it usually takes me a few tries to get 50 rather than 49 or 51.
Well, this thing does just 1 - 20.