Do you have a link? I'm sort of wanting something squishy for times when I'm on the verge of meltdown to try and keep me from hitting shit.
Late to the post but you can find fidgets for skin picking on Etsy and other drop shipper sites(Amazon).
I haven't used them since I don't have that stim but might be worth checking out. My fidgets I tend to lean towards are my 3D printed sliders, my worry stones for silent fidget, and lately my old school fidget cubes. I tend to like clicky tactile fidgets when I can get away with being noisy. Also loud music and pacing helps me regulate so I often will do that with a fidget at the same time on exceptionally bad days.
I also do beard rubbing and used to twirl and "brush tip" my hair when I had long hair. I'd grab some and bunch it up and press the ends with my thumb. Had no idea messing with my hair was a stim until years later but I've done it all my life.
"Muh gawd, he's broken in half!"
Random off the top of my head:
The Night Comes for Us. It's martial arts and gore. If you like that, the same crew does a movie called The Raid and it has a sequel called The Raid 2.
For shows, get The Expanse and For All Mankind.
How long has there been a Linux beta build of GameMaker?
Dumb factoid but the file browser that Ubuntu uses is called Nautilus and this is the only reason I know what a nautilus is.
For me personally, I think the climate crisis is gonna be the biggest catalyst for vegan activism in the coming decades. If not converting to veganism fully, it's for sure going to get a lot of leftists and libs who try to care about the environment to reduce their consumption of animal products. I am jaded but I feel like someone reducing their consumption to like 2-3 meals a week with animal products(like I did for a few years before going vegan) is a small victory at least. I'd still rather it be zero consumption, of course.
As a member of our local Food Not Bombs, I feel like the unhoused just want a hot meal, or food or any kind. They don't seem to care so much if it's vegan or not. I will say in our local chapter, we do have like 2 new vegans. The one I know for sure did Veganuary in 2024 and stuck with it(good for her!). So maybe bringing volunteeers over to veganism but I don't think it affects the unhoused one way or the other. And even with the one or two new vegans via FNB, that's still a drop in the bucket of a city of 350,000.
I've seen shitposting and struggle sessions work to some degree on reddit at least but I still think it's a drop in the bucket. I mean, one new vegan is a win regardless, but we ultimately need a mass movement and I think the climate crisis is that potential. The hard part is getting people to understand that of all the shit destroying the planet, that is one of the few things we as peasants can do to bring effective change, but it's gonna take a lot of us. But, that was one of the thoughts that got me to go vegan, so I mean it worked for me.
Also sorry I haven't posted food pics lately. Made a few veggie hummus sammiches, some beans and rice, and also used a certain brand of soy curls for the first time this week for tacos, and they were a hit with the whole family of meat eaters.
I have ChatGPT make my cover letters for this very reason. If they aren't gonna try, neither am I.
Echo Point Nova showed up on my radar. I watched a few vids with my kid and we were both like, "get it."
EPN is a game that even the devs describe as Titanfall/movement shooter mixed with Tony Hawk Pro Skater. You get wall running, a hover board, a grappling hook, and about 25 different guns to play with. You also get a perk system to modify how the game plays. For example, shooting the ground launches you in the air, wall riding refills ammo, last bullet explodes, shooting airborne ememies make them explode, etc. The guns also level up as you use them, so you get like a double shotgun with a silencer, for example. The game world is huge, the bosses are huge, the enemies are plenty and the gunplay and combat feels really good.
The game has an accessibility menu where you can turn stuff on and off on the fly too. If you need auto-aim, it has that. It also has an extra auto aim option that does leading shots, so you shoot where the enemy is going instead of where they are currently. You get infinite bullet time and a few others. It's a bit cheaty but for a game like this, it's really nice for a crappy gamer like me because I can just have fun.
Oh, also you can grapple your own RPG rockets when you shoot them to fly across the world. You can use this to reach the stratosphere of the game world. I tested last night but at a certain height, the game physics starts to mess with the rockets and they sort of just lob out instead. But yeah rocket grapple. Also the speed runs of this game are insane.
So yeah, Echo Point Nova.
Holy shit can we unban this user please? This is the kind of humor I need in my life right now.
No it's the same. I thought they were 2 separate apps.