
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago

Cool, they can stay mad too. Death to United, death to Amerikkka.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Wait, so China isn't collapsing any day now?

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago

It's gotta be Rust, my man.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

For the record, I know a whale shark is an animal. I was just making a dumb joke lol.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

I can't decide either.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

And so began the Colonizer Wars.

[–] 57 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Look, idk just do whatever accelerationist nonsense y'all want but can you keep your plague milk away from my soy milk at least? Like put my shit in a completely different cooler.

[–] 24 points 1 month ago

After our collapse, I just hope other countries can come in an start offering reparations for the global south.

[–] 29 points 1 month ago

If that ain't a fedpost, it's probably the most tone-deaf take I've seen so far this year.

[–] 23 points 1 month ago

The Democrats need to be removed from existence for being enablers of overt fascism.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

I appropriate the support from my fellow online comrades. After my DSA branch fell apart overnight, I was hesitant on organizing in my city since it's mostly libs and chuds. But I'm trying to take what I've learned from DSA and also very much take this PSL thing seriously. They really make you put in the work and I think I'm up to the task. I will admit that the first meeting was pure anxiety since I was completely out of my element. But I'm getting it I think.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I haven't played in a while so it's not super fresh in my mind but there is a combo of like 4-5 mods that drastically improve performance for DSP. At late game before those mods, I was getting 5fps when on planets with factories and off-world, I might peak at 25fps. After installing those mods, it effectively doubled my max framerate and like quadrupling my lowest framerate for my last playthrough when I was converting an entire family into a white science factory. I had 2 of 8 planned wedged done when I quick, along with 3 fully made spheres and was still seeing playable framerate.

All that is to say, between that and patch updates, that leak might be resolved. I'm not totally sure since I only play without combat.

I also either hand-make spheres or copy from a blueprint so I'm not sure there. I know the sphere editor is a bit finicky.


No seriously, I have an interview in about 3 hours. I lied on the screener and said I LOVE working with and helping people. It's a partial lie I guess because I like helping people but not in the "corpo" way since that isn't really helping people and it's all fake as fuck...

I am already daydreaming about having the job, where I have to mask hardcore and pretend I love talking to large groups of people but only after I hit a rockstar rail of coke off the toilet seat in the restroom beforehand. I've never done cocaine before... which nostril should I go with?

I sort of maybe would be ok if I got the job but like I really wanna get this freelance web dev thing off the ground instead.

I guess it wouldn't be horrible since it's a remote gig all done via Zoom meetings but like Idk... Every time I get going on programming a fucking job comes my way and screws it all up.

Sidenote but if anyone knows someone that wants a small business-esque static website that almost doesn't suck, hit me up. I need money to pay for things like food and weed.

Idk why I made this post really. How's everyone's week going?

E: so I got a "job offer" but did some googling and it's basically a cut-through insurance job sales position, I'd be working evenings so won't see my family. Probably won't take it. Sick of this tbh.


*Forgive any formatting as I'm on mobile.

As I read in themes, I'm currently focusing on philosophy to try and understand it, see where I fit in the world and also reconstruct my own atheist/nihilistic worldview.

I just got done with Existentialist Cafe and got a really nice overview of all the main players in the Existentialist camp but want to finally take the leap into nihilism and absurdism proper. I've read The Stranger and Myth of Sisyphus and like Camus a lot so far but also wanna tackle Satre, Beauvoir, and Merleau-Ponty eventually but wonder if I need to read Husserl and specifically Heidegger and Nietzche since they are controversial because of their politics. Would I be able to get away with just reading synopses of their work? I do currently have Being and Time in my list of books to get.

Also, aside from Nietzche, who else should I read regarding nihilism? I'm currently working through The Trouble with Being Born by Cioran and wanna find some more by him but also have The Antidote by Burkeman and Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Ligotti in my backlog. I did read The Book by Alan Watts the other day and though it felt like reading my stoned friend's wild ramblings on society and how we exist in it, some coherent stuff did come through. But I don't know if it was what I was after. I did appreciate it for introducing me to some concepts like ego and self but maybe I should have saved it for another day?

Sidenote but I'm planning on moving back and force between philosophy and socialist theory so socialist philosphers are also welcome. Generally I'm open to all suggestions.

Thanks in advance!


Honestly, I'm fucking tired. There is a God damn sticky in every r/LSC post that says it is a commie subreddit, by commies, for commies, and these motherfucking dweebs are upset about it being full of commies? I could write whole essay about this fucking post. Jesus fucking Christ.


I also plan on going over this in my next therapy session along with me possibly having pathological demand avoidance and executive dysfunction, but wanted some spicy(and real) takes from other terminally online ND commies that are forced to go outside occasionally.

So, I'm atheist/nihilist/it's complicated but I go to church with my Christian wife and my kids on Sundays and sometimes Wednesday evenings. It's fine, whatever. I've actually made a few friends there and some of them are aware that I am bleak-brained about religion.

Some of them who know me more personally even will ask if they can hug me or whatever. It's fine if I know it's coming and it's with someone I know and can prepare for.

But like 99.9% of the rest of those people and the rest of humanity can fuck the fuck right off. Why do randos feel obligated to touch other people?

In that church, we are part of a "small group" and the last one we joined, a dude there who I never met, just came up and hugged me. Did that the next few times too before I was able to shut the hug down a handshake compromise. I didn't wanna be mean about it and figured a handshake was bearable. I'm used to them from the stupid fucking formalities that come with job interviews. Sure, fuck it.

But then the old fart that holds the door open like Jesus would have wanted... whey does he feel obligated to give me a back pat? Don't fucking touch me maybe?

This last Sunday they had new Elders selected(I don't get it either. Spend 2 months asking how they can select more inclusive Elders and still pick 4 old white dudes) but I was walking passed one and he felt the holy spirit in him to gently pinch the bottom part of my bicep in some weird fucking "coochie coochie coo" display. Like what possessed him to do that? Never talked to him outside the casual stupid fucking small talk. Dear dude with the bizzaro tickle fetish, could you fucking not?

I spent all my life suffering from anticipatory anxiety of people touching me in all these dumb fucking rituals of hand shakes and shoulder clasping and I would dearly like them to fucking stop.

So, how do I actually do it? I am extremely blunt and have a short temper and feel like if I don't get this sorted I'm gonna blow the fuck up at the next person who touches me without my permission.

Tips, tricks, bear strength pepper spray?


And why the fuck do I need to manage my ebooks on 3 separate devices, and using 2 different apps on my computer?

Fuck Kindle. I should have at least went with Kobo.

Fuck this unhinged consumerism bullshit in general. I just wanna steal my books and read them at my leisure, but have to find shit ass work arounds for DRM for fucking words. DRM FOR WORDS!!!

Burn this whole fucking piece of shit to the ground. Death to Amerikkka.


Got my new retro handheld emulator. It's an Anbernic Arc-D. Just got 50 GB of roms loaded from my personal currated collection and I kind of think I wanna jump into some jrpgs I can play on the couch when I wanna decompress. Right now I'm looking at starting with GBA titles since I missed that whole era but I'm mainly looking for any suggestions up to PS1 era. I've played all the main ones like Chrono Trigger and FFVI but open to anything.

My current line up is looking like Mario RPG, Mother 2 And 3, and Golden Sun.

What are some other bangers I should definitely check out?

Also the Arc-D is dope as fuck. Stock firmware isn't even that bad.

E: thanks all for the suggestions! Gonna currate a list this morning and probably start with Golden Sun before diving into the rest. A lot of gems I recall missing out on when I was a kids too that I'm eager to jump into.


Basically title. I'm easing into my 1 year anniverary and wanting to come up with something that I can make and take to the in-laws since I don't want to put them out too much for my sake. They all eat omni and I don't expect them to cater to me. Last year I did tofurkey sausages and they were ok and they might be a fallback if I don't come up with something else. I was gonna get a Field Roast roast but it's $19 at Nat Grocers and yeah, I'm not spending that kind of money on something that only I am gonna eat.

I'd like it to be close to traditional but am open for alternative suggestions since, well, I love food. Right now I am thinking about doing vegan mashed potatoes since that is easy mode and I can scale it down to 1 or 2 helpings.

But other than that idk. Welcome to all ideas, so what you got?

Disclaimer: literally zero allergies or food aversions so I am open to anything. TIA.

Will check back after church crap...


I just realized that ebook collectiong has become something of a hobby for me. I think I like that lol. I am currently sifting through saved browser tabs of book recommendations that I have amassed over the last month in an attempt to clean up my browser sessions.

I've even developed a system of sending all tabs to my computer from my phone to create a list to check with libgen, then add to Calibre and sideload to my ereader from there. I hadn't really thought of it as a hobby since reading is a hobby but I think this might be close to data hording?

I also have 90 GB of roms that I have collected that cover all eras up to N64. Do I play any of them? No, but I got them. I did start playing Mario RPG and Earthbound during Indigenous Genocide Day.

So what are your weird but interesting hobbies that have snuck into your lives?


Here's the recipe:


  • l lb LightLife breakfast sausage
  • 1 medium onion, diced(or mirepoix)
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 to 3 tsp Italian seasoning
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3-4 cups veggie broth
  • 2-3 tbsp miso paste
  • appox 2.5 lb potatoes, diced into small cubes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 cups Next Milk
  • 1 tbsp flour


  • Saute the veggies in oil until soft. Add salt and pepper. Add sausage shortly after starting saute. Add garlic and cook 2 more minutes, or until fragrant.
  • Mix miso paste in 1 cup of milk
  • Add milk, broth, seasoning and potatoes. bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 to 60 minutes until potatoes are soft. Mash with a masher a bit.
  • Mix rest of milk and flour. Add to soup, bring back to a boil, then remove from heat and let thicken.

I've been meaning to make it again since I've only made it once since becoming a plant-mouth. The last time was ok but I tend to obsess over perfecting recipes and after going vegan I've been wanting to port a few of my standbys over. My chili recipe is perfection but I felt my potato soup was still lacking.

A few weeks ago I promised my oldest I would make it for him. And I wanted to test out a brainfart I had for using miso to add some much needed umami since my old recipe used a can of condensed cream of chicken soup that basically carried the entire recipe. Turns out the miso was a great idea.

My kid is a standard picky eater kid and will usually only eat enough to qualify as a meal(we were all kids once and he just wants to get back to playing. I get it lol) but he has 2 servings.

A friend was over as well for a Dungeons and Dragons session and she is a fellow ND but has quite a few food aversions so I made sure to run the ingredients by her and check our food cheat sheet and it was all good. I did check last minute if the fake sausage was ok since she is Jewish and she said yep. She loved it. Wife loved it. Kid loved it and I am pissed because there isn't enough leftover for me to have it for lunch.

I'll try to share my chili recipe when I make it next as well. It's fucking good too.


Has /r/socialism_101 been compromised? I have noticed over the last 2 or so months some incredible takes in the comments and this thread is even locked.

I usually don't really care but this kind of thought is on par with libs that use "utopian" when talking about Marxism. Just so confidently wrong. I'm not even that well read yet on theory but, Jesus, this set off my lib radar bad.


I'm in the market for something different but, to no surprise of anyone, am getting overwhelmed by how blatantly consumerist fidget toys have become.

About a year ago, I picked up a cheap magnetic clicky slider fidget and though I wasn't a big fan of the actual toy, I did fall I love with concept. I ended up getting a few more from Etsy that are 3D printed and one is micarta, but those are amazing. Big tactile clicks, loud as fuck, and just a good thing to carry for anxiety and social stuff. My main one can be quiet if need be so that helps.


I'm in the process of purchase therapy because depression, and instead of buying another game I won't ever play, I thought I'd treat myself to something that helps with keeping my hands busy.

So I am mostly looking for opinions and feedback on stuff that is out there. I have a spinner, several fidget cubes, putty, and some of the other normal ones. Right now I am looking at possibly a haptic coin, one of those 3D printed gyro things, the Lautie knockoff ratchet ring(though it's even outside my price range even for it being a clone) and I keep coming back to FidgetsByAmelie on Etsy but it's partially due to the cute colors they use and using bio plastics.

So yeah, I guess that's it. TIA!

Things I think I like:

  • rubber clicky buttons on fidget cube.
  • clicky scroll ball
  • clicky spinning wheel
  • switch
  • magnetic click/loud feedback
  • knife flipping to some degree
  • hair/beard rubbing(but that is built in)
  • metal "shink" noise from that OWL knockoff slider
  • probably any of the infinity style fidgets? Like cube or gear stuff
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