water, metal, pressure and faith.
leaky showers and prayers.
Reminder: The terms of service apply here too.
Logo design credit goes to: tubbadu
water, metal, pressure and faith.
leaky showers and prayers.
I can remember the Ace part of AceFuzzLord very well. Comes from me always using Ace whenever a game requires a profile name or a 3 letter initial.
The Fuzz Lord part I don't remember really at all, but I assume the Lord part comes from the fact I think pretty highly of myself despite the fact I'm a nobody.
Oh, and do y'all see AceFuzzLord or do y'all see Dizzy Devil Ducky? I have no idea who sees either. I see Ace and I've had other people see DDD. Either way, DDD comes from the fact that he's my favorite Tiny Toons character.
My username is a reference to the Wug test, specifically this question: "This is a man who knows how to gling. Yesterday he glanged. Tomorrow he will _____."
My irl nickname is Lizard. This is the story:
I was at what was supposed to be FNM, but none of us were feeling Magic that day so we decided to play Secret Hitler, mostly because it was my fiancée's best friend's sister's birthday so she ended up picking the game.
If you haven't played Secret Hitler, at the start of the game you get a little envelope secretly telling you whether you are a Liberal, Fascist, or Hitler. Liberals want to pass liberal policies to win the game, the fascists want to pass fascist policies that give players ability to shoot dissidents and eventually get Hitler to win. The relevant thing is that Hitler and the Fascists are lizards; apparently the Liberals are normal people, but I don't know for sure since I've never played as a liberal.
Just to be clear, it's almost statistically impossible for me to have never played as a liberal. In each game I've played in, there was a total of 3 Fascists (including Hitler) and usually about a dozen Liberals. I should have been a liberal at least once by now, considering I got my nickname 2 years ago.
On this particular night, we played about a half dozen games, in which I was Hitler twice. I kept suprising them by doing well! They all know I am autistic and can't lie to save my own skin, so as the games went on they got progressively more tilted each time I was revealed to be a lizard. I was also getting frustrated because I really do not like lying!
At the start of the last game, I opened my envelope, saw a lizard, and I was just so fucking done. I snapped at the shuffler, "Are you even shuffling these cards?" and threw my envelope at him. He responded "Well, now I need to reshuffle. And for that you shall die!" and started chasing me around with the Nerf gun we had been using to shoot dissidents. Eventually he cornered me with me cowering and covering my face with my hands, and with a shout of "Die, Lizard!" he shot the gun.
I somehow caught the bullet in between my hands with my eyes closed! And that's why my name is Lizard.
I just wanted something short and reasonably pronounceable, as that's easier to remember.
In the past, I've used a FIPS-181 pronounceable password generator to generate pronounceable usernames that don't collide with existing usernames. But since the Threadiverse is still young, plus each new instance has its own username space, it's practical to have a very short username.
Found a Kraken in Ultima Online. Thought it was rad and didn't know how to spell it as an 11 year old.
I can be a bit melodramatic and sassy, also like making music and looking good. Long-time fan miku fan too.
I got named Bizzle in like 2008 because my real name wasn't cool enough, it just stuck
My initials are BJB.
I was in jazz band in high school. We were doing a joint thing with the choir, so everyone was running around moving stuff to make space. My parents had bought me a nice music bag with my initials on a plate on the front of it. Someone held up my music bag asking who owned it. I figured they just wanted to let the owner know where it was being moved to, so I spoke up... "Hah, your initials are BJ!"
Hence, my name became blowjob. The completionists called me Blowjob Betty (I'm male) to get that last initial in, too. At the time, I was quite quiet and took myself maybe a little too seriously. This ended that.
One day, I was at my buddy's place, and he called me "Beege," saying he didn't want to say "Bee and Jay," as it was too long. At that point, I said fuck it. My name is Beege. Let's go.
Over time, my friends added an article because why the fuck not.
Over 20 years later, and it's still my name. It actually taught me to not take myself so seriously. Although, one interviewer at a job had a really hard time keeping it together when HR told her my nickname without catching the meaning. She and I are good friends now.
In any case, I always get a slight chuckle inside when people hesitate slightly after introducing myself. I'm great at keeping a deadpan face about it now, too
Old demo crew I formed with school friends when I was a teenager.
Clipper Defiance was a Boeing 707 operated by Pan Am. Its main claim to fame was when on February 7th, 1964 it brought The Beatles to America for the first time.
Mine’s a music joke and a reference to a line from the song “Shiny” from Moana.
Though if my great grandfather was a god it was of strawberries which is nice. He’d grow plants and ship them to gardeners all over the east coast
it's better than what I had before
Depending on what your lemmy app/ui shows, it's either a Guild Navigator or a Facedancer.
i like the swapnote girl so i borrowed her name
My page name, ShinigamiOokamiRyuu, is an amalgamation of different anime characters from anime whose characters I have cosplayed as.
My nickname (the thing that says "Call me Lenny/Leni") is based on one of my nickname preferences. I have quite a few, my birth name being Valentina, which allows for a lot of nicknames (including Leni, which is one of the shorthands for Valentina, though Tina is the most popular) that get changed around depending on who I communicate with.
Username should be pretty self explanatory. If you still don't get it you can either ask me or bravely run away.
It’s like 15 years old from back when I used to PVP in EVE online. Vaguely weird to pronounce and towards the middle of the alphabet so I don’t get primaried
My cousin, brother and I used to get high and play MTG quite a bit back in the day. There's a card called "Reef Pirates" that we used to joke around and call them Reefer Pirates. When I was making an account on Diablo 2 some time around then it's what popped into my head and stuck.
A few years after high school I joined the stage crew for a musical theatre group some friends started. At a performance after party, I was looking after some of the younger cast who had a few too many: one of them decided I was like Bosley to their Charlie's angels; the other felt I was looking after them in a fatherly way - so they combined it, and that became their nickname for me. Also, the nickname my siblings had given me, NoPatchGlandBoySleepyTheIronDeficientBrother was just too long.
Mine is related to my name but is not my name. I've been using it so long and in so many places that I decided I need a pronunciation and decided on "wudgerie," which is also not my name. Anyone who knows me IRL could figure out who I am without much trouble, and a dedicated investigator could probably dig it up (that's NOT a challenge, BTW 🤣) with a pretty high level of confidence without breaking a sweat, but (1) I allow for that in what I say online, and (2) I kind of like having an online persona that is mostly just the real me with a bit of anonymity. Keeps me grounded and reminds me that all you assholes are real people too (except you, @GiantRobotTittiesTeeHeeHee@definitelynotabot.ai... or you, Georgia Bulldog fans).
It popped into my head while I was thinking of one, felt kind of clowny, then I searched for it online and didn't find any results. I was shocked that, apparently, nobody else is using this, so I've decided to.
I was playing some crappy F2P MMO (Perfect World, maybe?) and I made a warrior of some werewolf race. Just played with random wolf-related combinations and settled on this. Quit after two days and the username carried on for probably 15 years now.
I don't even really know all that much about Stalin. I just pulled it out of my ass.
I love the phrase “your average Joe”, but it doesn’t translate very well, or I couldn’t think of a translation quickly enough (English isn’t my first language), so when I was talking with my friends one day, I translated it as “your average mortal”, and I liked it
It's a reference to a Simpsons episode, where Bart writes "nobody likes a sunburn slapper" on the blackboard in the opening.
I made this account shortly after watching Jackass 4. One of the new guys brings his dad on, this guy served time and did not look like he was one to fuck with. They put his head in a fishbowl with a tarantula and he instantly went into full bitch mode. That man's name was Dark Shark.
I think I picked it when registering with Sharky Forums back in like 2000, it just means a wage labor worker.
I liked Legos and I liked Pikachu at the time(I was 11 or so? Trying to make a Minecraft account lol)
I don't think I'll be able to use this name for anything commercial if I wanted to do that...
Just an old meme.
Wishful thinking
I couldn't think of a better one, and just shortened my full name.
I had a job doing QA where I had to create user accounts. Some Guy was one of the three that I created every day.
Wat Dabney is a minor character in Terry Gilliam's first non-Python movie, Jabberwocky.
The protagonist, Dennis (Michael Palin) goes to the city to make his fortune as a cooper. One of the first people he meets there is a legendary cooper named Wat Dabney ("the inventor of the inverted firkin") who's been reduced to begging because he's not a member of the guild that controls the trade.
I first adopted the name on IMDb, back in the late 90s, but retired it when IMDb shut down their general interest forums, and didn't use it on Reddit. I revived it for Lemmy.
Calvin and Hobbes. I added a 'y' to the end because I could.
The way I drove and the papers I used for rolling joints back when I was a teenager
It means bare, naked, possession-less.
School nickname
In Portuguese "zero hora" is the midnight shift, people started making jokes when I slept in class and the name got stuck.
The Reddit API debacle that killed third party apps.
I am terrible at names
The name i used before was "youtuber", which i "came up with" when creating my youtube account
This is the first name that wasnt already taken in Minecraft so i kept it
It's from valarin (Tolkien's language of the Valar)
Akasan is 'he says'
-z suffix is a person's name
So it's basically 'Teller' (I'd say storyteller) in valarin.
The 'h' was supposed to help in pronunciation, it only mildly does, I find