South Dakota Montana Oklahoma Florida Virginia Georgia
noncontiguous, not on mexico border
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South Dakota Montana Oklahoma Florida Virginia Georgia
noncontiguous, not on mexico border
border gore
paradox nerds seething rn
Oklahoma is touching Texas
The guerrilla marketing for that new film Civil War (2024) has probably been the most intensive since the time they blew up the twin towers for Remember Me (2010)
LBJ was the last Democrat with the kind of guts needed to send in the tanks
GOP will win any constitutional crisis by virtue of being the only wins willing to exercise power
Balkanize you cowards!
Honestly just think Americans are too cowardly and well-fed to do anything like that. Same reason I knew Jan 6 would fail. They want the aesthetic of revolt but are too comfy to ever pull the trigger.
Also the reason the 2nd Amendment types who claim to hoard guns to protect against the government taking their rights never actually take up arms against the government taking away their rights.
Literally one gunshot and tens of thousand sof them immediatly went home.
Good god I want to see them roll the national guard up to the Texas capitol and arrest him but I know ol' Joe doesn't have the cojones
It would be really fucking funny though
This is a perfect example for Joe to prove all the libs right that he can actually stand up to right wing fascism.
What's that, he's not going to do a goddamn thing? Weird.
Send in the tanks, Brandon.
If he did, I'd vote for Biden. Not because I support Biden, but because I don't think his genocide supporting ass would have the guts to turn the military against chuds.
It would solidify him as the funniest option.
The Biden Unification Wars
Texan aristocracy is full on settler colonial batshit crazy. Clutching their queso at the though of Mexicans coming and taking their culture away.
Like Israelis, eating watered down mexican food. Constantly projecting their worry that the owners of the land they stole will come to reclaim it.
Please just send the military and arrest him. Im tired of hearing about this guy. Shoot him out of a cannon already
The only two real responses here are to do that or keep ignoring it. If the biden admin acknowledges what Texas is doing is bonkers but doesn't follow up swiftly, it just invites a whole bunch of criticism from his opponents and his liberal base. I expect this administration to keep taking the easier option.
Biden please send in a single tank so I can start calling liberals tankies
Isn't Biden turbo charging border defense like he is with police departments?
doesnt matter, it's all vibes-based with these people
I was under the impression the border policy is exactly the same as Trump's policies, did something change? Or do these fascist freaks want them gunning down anyone that passes by the border?
There is an election coming up and the republicans have been proactive in pushing this as an issue. What the actual policy is doesn’t matter, which is why trying to appease chuds from the centre is a suckers game.
Biden doesn’t make speeches about the evil illegals down at the border every two days, so he isn’t doing enough. Quiet cruelty misses the point.
please secede from the union
please secede from the union
please secede from the union
As someone living in Texas I see so many people say this shit. Biden should have federalized the national guard yesterday and this fucking sucks.
no more half measures walter
Please let Biden be America's Khrushchev!
America's Khrushchev
He's going to do a deobamanisation and destroy the basis for the neoliberal ideology?
I'm of two minds about this:
The neo-confederacy's largest capital backers are the ones who decide whether it ever actually secedes/goes to war and Abbot/Kemp/DeSanctimonious are ultimately beholden to them.
This play by those capital-backers seems to be the usual "help the border is under invasion you gotta vote for the republican" so they get 100% of the economic policy they want instead of 99.95% of the economic policy they want (Biden's NLRB has seriously pissed off a lot of capitalists especially regarding recent union-recognition policy changes), but in the same way the "real adults who make the tough decisions and do the right thing" re: sustaining U.S. hegemony have all died and Pete Buttigieg is in their place is it possible that the capital-backers of the neo-confederacy are the long-line of fail-son/daughters/enbies at that same level of delusion about maintaining/creating a confederate state?
Also it's hilarious because Joe Biden has the SCOTUS on his side in this and is doing Jackson's "The Court has made their decision, now let them enforce it" except Biden is currently not enforcing it to his own regime's detriment. Truly the most liberal application of nullification possible.
Only one way to find out the result! The crumbling empire show is starting to get spicy.
In all seriousness stay safe/vigilant comrades in these states in case things do get worse incredibly quickly. If you're fortunate enough to be of good mental-health now is probably a good time to start learning/practicing firearm safety.
I just need one stray nuke from the civil war to take out Silicon Valley, you don't understand how much better things would be, c'mon man I just need to feel something positive one time
I have just been informed by the Texas Rangers that I am being drafted to fight against the northern aggressors. I'll be a crewman in the Whataburger Regiment
if biden sends in just one tank im going to start comparing texas to hungary / tibet immediately to piss off libs
Lol, a constitutional crisis every other year is the sign of a healthy empire, clearly.
Holy shit the Republicans scaremongered about a non existent border crisis so hard they caused a constitutional crisis. That's so fucking wild and if a civil war (or any violence at all really) kicks off over this it will truly be an "again as farce" moment.
Meh, more grievance politics, they aren't going to do shit that they're not already doing.
My wife's from Waco, and we're supposed to go visit her family in a few months. It would be really rad if we couldn't go because Texas had seceded.