The guy ahead of me is taking FOREVER!
Funny: Home of the Haha
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I rather be eating Wendy's
This would have been cheaper if I just did it at home!
What toys are available?
Do you have milk?
I'd like it animal style.
Can you make it wet?
Is there nut in that?
Animal style, extra spread
Hold the pickle.
Why did it get so expensive?
Can I have a banana shake?
I thought it was bigger than that
Actually, could I get that as a large instead?
I paid via the mobile app, hope that's ok.
Thank you come again
The pictures do not represent reality!
Thanks Grandma ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you, come again!
Supersize me.
Excuse me, I wanted a large...
I'd like a small #2.
Are you still open?
Who's in charge here?
Look, I just want ketchup dripping off the thing
Hey you forgot the sauce!
No pickles please
Give me all your hot sauce.
Keep the change.
Can I get some sauce?
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
I hope it's still hot!
Wow, the prices are surely going up, isn't if?
lemme just scooch forward more so i can reach...
Pull up, we're holding your sausage.
I didn't order the lemonade, but I'll drink it anyway.
Is that all?
Can you speak up please? I can't really hear you.
Wow. This has gotten expensive!
How much?
Thanks, please pull forward to the next window
Gimme the extra large milkshake.
Enter at the back
How much for the taco dinner?
Thank you.
I'll have a Sloppy Toppy with a Twist.
I'll pay you when you give me what I asked for
Ask your mum.
I'll take your meatballs, hope they are juicy.
"Can I have extra napkins?"
"Uh, actually I asked for non-fat skim mocha..."
"Aren't you a little young/old to be working here?"
"I specifically asked for mine to come with no pickle"
Can I use this cupon?
Extra sauce