It really just seems like fearmongering about things most marginalized people go through everyday. Is it just the same” old things will continue to get worse as a result of everything infinitely growing” that’s been happening since the US was founded? I saw some goon from the heritage foundation go on tv and threaten leftists but idk if it has crazy uncle energy or whether that’s something someone with actual power is thinking

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[-] Rojo27@hexbear.net 69 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Fascism in the US marches on with or without this Project 2025. What alternative are Democrats offering? I see police budgets continuing to climb, money continues to go out to the genocidal entity known as Israel and neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Democrats are increasingly using anti-immigrant rhetoric and talking points. It's basically blue fascism (slower and slightly more mask on) v red fascism (faster and mask off).

[-] Frank@hexbear.net 40 points 3 months ago

Blue fascism; the mask is on but it's very obviously made of human skin

Red fascism; the mask is off. There's a screaming skull where the face should be.

[-] c0smokram3r@midwest.social 25 points 3 months ago

Yup, that’s right. It should be a class conflict (rich (elites) 🆚 poor (working class)), but ppl are too busy suckling at the elite teat & they have done a good job dividing the masses, turning us on ourselves.

[-] SorosFootSoldier@hexbear.net 20 points 3 months ago

This pretty much, no matter who wins this year we're getting some strain of fascism.

[-] CommunistCuddlefish@hexbear.net 44 points 3 months ago

What I think about Project 2025: It's obviously bad and it is grounds for fedposting the entire Republican Party. It's also not at all new. If it gets "defeated" this election cycle it'll become Project 2030.

What I think about the discourse around Project 2025: I only see privileged white libs being scared about it and that is because American Fascism is new to them. They're a little afraid of fascism starting here. The rest of us know that fascism is already here and have been burned by it. I am not any more scared of Project 2025 than I am of the fascism that has already so dramatically damaged my family. They want us to

I'll admit, I kind of like seeing White libs scared by this. They turned a deaf ear to the plight of marginalized groups for so long. We begged them to help us and they refused. I like that they are feeling scared now. I like that they feel the same sense of powerlessness and doom they were ok subjecting us to.

It is very telling that the White Liberal solution to Project 2025 is to badger people of color until we vote for the genocidal racist rapist mass-murdering cop-loving capitalist fascist shitstain who represents everything about the establishment that we hate. It's very telling that they support fascism when it's only done to us and only worry about fascism when it might affect them too. I like it when they get upset at me for refusing to embrace their solution of embracing fascism. I like watching them throw temper tantrums when I tell them no, it's good that they are finally beginning to see that there's a problem, but they are too selfish, immature, and new to staring down the barrel of oppressors' guns to be allowed to lead. If they want us to save them from fascism then they're going to have to bend the knee, get in line, and contribute to our antifascist solutions which seek collective liberation, not demand that we contribute to their fascist solutions which will only serve White people.

[-] Frank@hexbear.net 38 points 3 months ago

The SCOTUS is ruling by fiat and the POTUS is a genocidal vegetable so I think it's going to happen regardless of who is squatting the white house.

[-] PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS@hexbear.net 35 points 3 months ago

I'm taking it as seriously as the Democratic Party is

[-] coeliacmccarthy@hexbear.net 33 points 3 months ago

it'll end america and electoral democracy and thank god for that

[-] stigsbandit34z@hexbear.net 25 points 3 months ago

This is what I go back to honestly. People act like the US is the entire world and it’s extremely ominous

[-] emizeko@hexbear.net 8 points 3 months ago

western chauvinism dies hard

[-] Wertheimer@hexbear.net 31 points 3 months ago

It's going to be the Republican Party platform until the U.S. is destroyed, and Dems will always say we have to vote-blue-no-matter-who to prevent it. If the Dems end up winning they will implement it anyway, but with occasional PR-inspired mitigations, like Biden closing the border and then saying he won't deport undocumented spouses of American citizens.

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 28 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I don't think anyone has taken the time to read the document they put out. Its about 1000 pages long. One thread within it is their anti-marxist and anticommunist stances. All foreign policy within the document has to do with AES States. They mention rooting out Marxist from the military and academics. They paint that label with a broad brush, obviously, but that simply means more libs will be caught up in the future blacklisting along side actual Marxists.

Its a party program written by the Heritage Foundation. They wrote the end of the Cold War policies for Reagan. They operate on a longer time scale then the electoral time scale. They are the vanguard party for the right. They are also winners. I mean that too. They get what they want.

So expect things to get hot for the left very soon. We might be looking at a new age McCarthy era on the horizon.

[-] Antiwork@hexbear.net 15 points 3 months ago
[-] SwitchyWitchyandBitchy@hexbear.net 14 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Right now they only do this to leftists, black people, and to some extent queer people. And nowhere near the amount they did it during the Cold war. They're gonna expand that to libs, progressive, and probably increase their efforts against other groups.

But the thing is, you're right in a different way. This isn't them exposing their plans, this is them getting ready to take a victory lap. The hard work has been done. They've been doing it since Nixon at least. The Democrats had plenty of opportunities to stop this, but that would've required them admitting something they can't admit: that bourgeoisie democracy and capitalism don't work. Even if some mean well as politicians, they can't do anything truly meaningful to stop it, or else the oligarchs that run the country will retract funding and fund your opponents.

[-] Antiwork@hexbear.net 11 points 3 months ago

Heritage Foundation isn't republicans only either. Dems are in on it too.

[-] Dolores@hexbear.net 26 points 3 months ago

truckload of cope in here, 'US fascism' is not a 1/0 toggle, the heritage foundation is not at the beck and call of the democrats to scare their base. these are fascists openly declaring exactly how they'd like the make the current fascism to be worse, and in such a public way that they think the liberals can no longer check them.

there's voting being meaningless in a bourgeois dictatorship but that is a distinct argument from thinking all our enemies are the same, they are making it clear how they aren't.

[-] Antiwork@hexbear.net 5 points 3 months ago

Who is under the illusion that all our enemies are the same if people point out how dems are similar to republicans it's point out the contradiction that many people believe these are radically different parties. But I think people also recognize the differences because socialists must always be aware of each parties contradictions and how to react and organize accordingly

[-] Dolores@hexbear.net 4 points 3 months ago

Who is under the illusion

everyone saying that the democrats will do the same thing or that its a hoax to scare democrat voters?

[-] Antiwork@hexbear.net 3 points 3 months ago

The democrats are apart of the heritage foundation

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 25 points 3 months ago

imma be honest, it seems like a fake, entirely made up thing, like 'illegal immigrant caravans' type stories that spontaneously generate around election time. It'll be forgotten after the election and never heard from again. Like MS-13 stories.

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 23 points 3 months ago

Its a 1000 page document, it's very "real" in that sense. Its the platform formalized into a manifesto and a site that is collecting applications for true believers to fill positions.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 11 points 3 months ago

cool but like, are there any mega-donors, rich people, politicians signing on? or just random chuds?

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 21 points 3 months ago

It's put up by the Heritage Foundation, one of the of not THE most influential think tanks in American politics. Responsible for the Reagan Doctrine, a key Reagan administration foreign policy initiative under which the U.S. began providing military and other support to anti-communist resistance movements fighting Soviet-aligned governments in Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Nicaragua, and other nations during the final years of the Cold War.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 7 points 3 months ago

i dunno man, the only people i see talking about it are incredulous libs on tiktok or twitter. I don't think i've seen any people with real power talk about supporting it. I mean, obviously some of it is stuff that repubs already support and whatever. But dems aren't going to do anything to stop it anyway, so I wouldn't worry about the election all that much.

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

The heritage foundation has a record of getting things done. You don't see anyone talking about it because they never do, not in the way libs talk about politics. They don't have to broadcast their desires via lawmakers, the talking points are already established and are working as intended. Project 2025 is not a doctrine for the voters, its an instruction manual for the next majority conservative government.

The document talks about rooting out "Marxists" from the military and from academics. Obviously WE know their painting that label with a broad brush, but given their anticommunist history, and the fact that a large section of the document talks about dealing with various AES countries, its looking like were at least entering a new McCarthyism era in earnest.

This is an angle that I haven't seen any libs discuss. If anything its a part of the program they likely agree with.

Listen I'm not telling you this as some means of making you vote. I'm saying that the heritage foundation is a wining team. They have goals, they make plans for those goals, and they get them done. They do it with little fan fare. They are willing to take as long as they need reach their goals. They were willing to play the long game on abortion, and succeeded. They collaborated with the Federalist Society to plant the six conservative justices on the supreme courts (among countless lower court judges). They are more organized then either party, and vastly more organized then any kind of revolutionary leftist movement.

They are absolutely the right's vanguard party. This is evident by how often the right directly implements their policy. The right does not elect thinkers. They do not elect intellectuals. The heritage foundation fills that role for them. Dems are not electing intellectuals either, but they also lack a similar org to feed them party programs. Not in the polar opposite location on the political spectrum anyway. Their think tanks live within the overton window and that's it.

So my expectation is that, regardless of the outcome, Project 2025 is coming. Its simply a matter of if the heritage foundation need to shift the overton window more right or not. So expect a hot climate for the left in the near future.

[-] makotech222@hexbear.net 10 points 3 months ago

well that's just what reactionaries want. That's like opening State and Revolution and going, oh no the communists have a plan to overthrow the state. Its not really surprising at all; its just a new name for it i guess?

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 10 points 3 months ago

Right, except the left has a book they've never read, but the right behaves like they've read the book, implement its ideas, except for their own bourgeois revolution. They have the benefit of being part of the state already, they just need to access all the levers of power at the same time. Which they basically have right now. They call it a revolution too. What that means to them, who can say. Expect the anticommunist action though. Maybe pack a bugout bag and learn your exits. Maybe that's hyperbolic. Time will tell.

[-] usa_suxxx@hexbear.net 22 points 3 months ago

Democrats aren't actually opposing anything. Probably why they need to go with Project 2025 since they fractured their own coalition to get more racist

[-] bbnh69420@hexbear.net 21 points 3 months ago

It’s already happening under Biden. People will reply “but the Supreme Court! But the senate!” But that is irrelevant

[-] Antiwork@hexbear.net 4 points 3 months ago

Wit the new rules set by the SC he can pretty do whatever he wants. But instead he'll "follow the rules"

[-] AlpineSteakHouse@hexbear.net 19 points 3 months ago

If the democrats actually cared they would be jailing Republican insurrectionists and passing laws to stop it from going into effect. The fact they they aren't means the best case scenario is the dems winning and merely delaying project 2025 by 4 years.

[-] Evilphd666@hexbear.net 16 points 3 months ago

Democrats will enable it to give them more excuses to not improving material conditions.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 14 points 3 months ago

Weaponized by blue MAGA in a pathetic attempt to get you to vote for Biden. The blue MAGA shills offer no solution to Project 2025 outside of stalling for 4 years, in which case everyone has to vote blue in order to stop Project 2029.

[-] hello_hello@hexbear.net 13 points 3 months ago

Project 2025 is just a marketing scheme to draw up more funding by both parties because their candidates suck.

Anyone who is actually scared by it isn't worth our time since they 'll call us ruZZian bots or xi spies anyway.

[-] UmbraVivi@hexbear.net 13 points 3 months ago

I don't like the part where they want to go all in on fossil fuels.

I mean I don't like any part of it, but climate change is the one issue where I'm pro harm reduction please

[-] Speaker@hexbear.net 16 points 3 months ago

Definitely don't type the words "Biden fracking" into any search engines, then.

[-] pumpchilienthusiast@hexbear.net 7 points 3 months ago
[-] Tabitha@hexbear.net 6 points 3 months ago

You should take Republican's manifesto detailing and declaring their intent to expand US style Christian nationalism/fascism seriously. Just because the Democrats plan on doing nothing about it doesn't mean it's not real.

[-] autism_2@hexbear.net 6 points 3 months ago

Mid, hope project 2029 is better

this post was submitted on 04 Jul 2024
56 points (98.3% liked)


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