i just woke up from the explosions what the hell
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please stay safe comrade
thanks hopefully israel will fall and we don't have to worry about being bombed anymore.
Does anyone here have a guess as to why Israel is trying to solo the entire ~~Arab world~~ Middle East in the middle of an ongoing colonial uprising?
I can think of two possibilities:
- They're copying Nixon's "Madman Theory", where by being violent and unpredictable they can extract greater concessions from their opponents. This is your "De-Escalation through Escalation" they were talking about a while ago.
- Israel now views this as an existential conflict and is trying to disable their opponents while they still have enough munitions to do so.
I hope they lose
Iran isnt in the arab world
The fuck, how did I just learn this today
Brainbeam didn't work
lebensraum speedrun any%
Israel doesn't solo anything. They are a hand of the US wearing a blue and white flag
They may see with the US risking getting into a war with Russia and wanting a war with China that their own time to pull the US into a conflict to settle the region's problems in their favor using the might of the US is quickly drawing to a close and will likely not exist in a few years so why let a crisis go to waste when they can try and get the US to take out Iran and Hezbollah for them which would allow greater "isreal" to become a reality. It's an expansionist mindset too. Also fascists gonna fascist.
The only way towards de-escalation is coming to the negotiating table with Hamas. Negotiating with Hamas sets a bad precedent and, in the long term, compromise's the entity's ability to keep Palestine down. Their economy is already severely compromised as it is, so I think that going out with some kind of last hurrah and trying to accomplish all their goals at once is probably more appealing than having to back down, recover, and attempt to do it all again a decade from now.
because the US wants this -- gotta get WW3 nice and hot without having the blame
The realpolitik ghoul reason would be that they're trying to start a big enough war that the only way the US can secure its interests in the region is to get directly involved, saving Israel from the consequences of its other aggressions.
But I don't think it's actually realpolitik ghouls in charge, I think they've just got nazis at the helm, and nazis think that all problems can be solved by attacking the weak, and all people are weaker than them.
Here we go. Now did they have an ounce of sense and just pound the desert and a few unimportant places and claim otherwise in their propaganda so Iran has an out not to retaliate in kind? Or more likely did these deranged zionists hit important things and Iran has to hit back even harder and kill US troop scum manning their air defenses as well? At which point the US can either leave with its tail between its legs like Reagan did Lebanon in the 80s or escalate in some way including potentially war.
I hope the people of Iran remain safe regardless of outcome. I hope the colonizers of the zionist occupation continue to feel and be very unsafe as they should be until they stop their genocide and dismantle their apartheid regime.
I just want these fucking people to be able to live their lives. These genocidal freaks need their capacity for violence wrested from them because they are making hell on Earth by hurting vulnerable people - especially children.
Were they actual military targets or just apartment buildings and hospitals again?
you forget that those hospitals are hamasbollah
apparently they struck "across the city of Tehran" according to US state tv news
timed with Game 1 of World Series?
Not how I was expecting to get reminded the world series started
fuck me i already bought a fifth of gin planning on drinking tonight. god damn israel and the united states
I'm trying to save some of my whisky for when Biden croaks in a month.
I knew I shouldn't have wished to live in interesting times
It sort of bothers me how wishing works.
"I want something to be a little better."
Your suffering shall be immense
Like okay? Fuck you, asshole genie.
So like, this is the end of Israel yeah? I just don't see how the Israeli state can continue
British Braaaaapcasting Corporation and all they do is broadcast fart noises
So good bye Gulf state/American oil refineries and hello potential oil crisis 2.0? or would this be an exaggeration?
It seems like it's a bit early to tell. Iran doesn't want to escalate, if these attacks are limited they might not up the ante, like last time.
presstv is playing this attack down, saying limited damage and their air defence did their jobs.
It would have been less humiliating for the zionist regime to have just apologized and did nothing.
Seems like they did essentially 0 damage, thankfully for the people of Tehran. Apparently they might have hit an essentially empty rev guard training base lol.
i was here when israel decided to go out guns blazing
Not going to know the extent of this for a bit and theres word a lot of misinfo going around, we're in the fog right now.
Very, very bad.
Here we go again
Say the thing Bart!
There's no way this could end badly