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what the fuck you can emoji link!?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
An atmospheric CO2 level of 280ppm
The highly era-specific experience of renting a game with an on-cartridge save battery and getting to play the files of people who made it way further than you can
Thanks to whoever left a save file with Adult link on it because my 6 year old ass was too scared to go into the Deku trees mouth
I remember renting a Super Metroid cartridge with a save past the point of no return at Tourian (which was a bit disappointing because I wanted to explore the map with my ridiculously powerful full loadout).
I went into the Mother Brain room and wondered "Why is there a cacodemon from Doom in a jar?"
Found my friend's save file on a Jet Force Gemini cartridge like this once
I remember buying a used copy of Metroid zero mission that had the entire gallery unlocked
Baby Hitler so I could destroy him with facts and logic and then vote him out of Germany
The USSR is probably the single most correct answer.
My hopes and dreams.
The internet before Facebook
Pleistocene megafauna
I yearn for giant sloths
That feeling I felt sitting in my cousin's basement in June of 1996 playing Super Mario 64 for the first time.
i would bring back Carrier Pigeons
JNCO jeans, you know you want them.
You could comfortably fit a whole motherfuckin game gear in those bad boys for playing sonic on the go
This is what they took from us
And we couldn't even feel the theft because our pockets were too damn spacious and loose on the legs
I used to carry a 2-liter of cherry coke in my back pocket
Affordable housing. I want to get a fucking life already.
millions-strong flocks of passenger pigeons or the fabled North American parrots or American (western) camels or sabertooth cats or american lions or John Brown
I was thinking the quagga, but I like your answers more.
Life before cell phones
long exasperated sigh while getting into position ALRIGHT
I'm bringin sexy back
Apart from obvious political stuff… I’d like to bring back having disposable income
A fractured world with different places and ways of being
I want to be able to be born into a small society, grow up with travelers talking about how down the coast there are people that don’t live exactly like we do, and they have different values and habits and customs and how that’s cool. I want the option to leave my current group and go join that one, and live the way they live and integrate to their society.
Just reading a David Graeber co-authored book where he talks about the Pacific coast of North America pre-european contact. There were vastly different economies and social structures all along the coast, the economy of the southern portion of the coast was very different from the economy of the northern portion.
You had these absolutely huge gulfs in how a society and economy was put together, often in remarkably small geographic areas, and the social freedom to travel between them and be treated well. We don’t even truly understand how much we’ve lost. Like, we all just settled on capitalism (violently and not voluntarily) and gave up the sheer variability of expression and experimentation. The End of History.
That’s the most depressingly beautiful thing I’ve read today. Fisher’s hauntology really does pervade western society.
Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology, and Lost Futures
Thank you, a new book!
How about bringing back some damn CIVILITY in our political discourse?!
Marxism Leninism
Dead homies.
My career.
The people who left me without explaining why.
Afghan heroin.
Good raves.
My youth.
I dont fucking know, i dont trust the monkey's paw. So nothing I suppose.
Serious: my healthy brain, or at least, a brain that appeared to function more similar to a healthy one Only a little less serious: Packet radio. I was not alive for its heyday, but I wish I could play more with it now.