I swear to god, y'all need to stop making multiple threads into struggle sessions on a daily basis.
Touch Grass.
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I swear to god, y'all need to stop making multiple threads into struggle sessions on a daily basis.
Touch Grass.
Wtf... I think she's had a history already...
Who’s fault is it that goat hasn’t been cleaned or given a proper fenced in area?
It's like domestic pigs, man... they're only as dirty as the shelter they're in
P.S. My family was uncouth to me one time after dinner, so I got out the Mossberg and took them behind the garage
uhhhh this is literally serial killer shit?? Why is this being reported so casually??????????????????????????????????????????????
Uhhh, because animals aren't people, so killing them isn't such a big deal, sweaty?
Imagining the mindset that leads her to not only shoot her dog but to then brag about it in print.
“I guess if I were a better politician I wouldn’t tell the story here,” Noem wrote.
She seems to actively think this makes her look good. Do even the frothingest chuds support dog killing?
Noem reported that the puppy was disobedient and out “having the time of her life” during a pheasant hunting trip and that the animal later attacked and killed a neighbor's chickens.
The ill-fated Cricket proved not to be a bad hunter, after all, but was guilty of killing the wrong kind of bird. According to Noem, since a shock collar didn't instill the desired discipline, the only reasonable thing to do was to kill the excitable and “untrainable” pup.
Noem, who became governor in 2019, likened murdering her canine to having the ability and willingness in politics to do anything “difficult, messy, and ugly.” It’s not the only animal she chose to sacrifice that day, she wrote: "I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done.”
This just about adults in the room getting the job done
Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”.
“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”.
So she's pivoting from the to the
demo huh?
Why not both?
i guarantee there is a large portion of South Dakotan mayos that are beaming with pride after having heard soundbytes about this, because you know they don't read.
I grew up there. What most people see as signs of psychopathy they see as grit and independence.
According to Noem, since a shock collar didn't instill the desired discipline, the only reasonable thing to do was to kill the excitable and “untrainable” pup.
For anyone who didn't know who tf this lady is, she's the governor of an even more fake than usual state, South Dakota
four native american reservations have banished her, banning her from like 15% of south dakota's land area
Typical American extravagance to have two of them.
I had an ex friend who did this. Their dog wouldn't do the dock dogs thing their other dogs did so they just put it down.
I haven't talked to the guy since. I won't ever again literally monstrous behavior
No idea who this woman is, she's just the puppy killer now
Man I remember when outing yourself as someone who kills puppies was seen as bad, now it's a career builder. Times are a changing (for the worse!)
Oh? You're approching me? Instead of running for president you're coming right to me?
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, a Republican seen as a potential running mate for Donald Trump, tells a story in her new book about shooting and killing her young dog and a goat, The Guardian reported.
Bruh what the fuck she did it her self with a fuckin shotgun too.
Is this not a crime? How long ago was that?
No, when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Kristi Noem is the psychopath governor of South Dakota and a leading contender for Trumps VP pick
Fun fact, she is banned from every reservation and therefore is legally prohibited from setting foot on 15% of the state she governs.
Average hunter: well, I have to kill an animal so this trip isn't a total waste!
If I wasn't too disgusted by this, I'd make a Duck Hunt joke.
I really fucking hope she doesn’t have kids
She does, in the article she described how her kid came off the school bus and asked where the dog was
She probably told them to make sure they get good grades, or she will take them out back too
If you eat meat and this kind of story upsets you, please do some careful examination of why the industrial animal torture industries do not.
It's because killing an animal companion for being disobedient and then telling your children what happened and why you did it, is textbook serial killer behavior.
It's not the same as say running a homestead and telling the children why some of the livestock are gone now.
Only speaking for myself as I can't get into others heads, the red flag is her power trip. The dog only existed to serve her despite her daughter's attachment to it and would have lived to old age if only it obeyed.
That's the terrifying part.
People who killed the family pet for failing to be obedient tend to eventually work up to humans.
People who work the buzzsaw at a chicken plant, as gross as it is, don't.
Did she eat the dog? Or did she just kill out of pure malice when it didnt conform to her desires? There is a difference between killing a dog that provides companionship and the evils of mass farming.
This wretched piece of shit shouldn't be in charge of an ant farm, let alone a government. I hope she has an accident while cleaning her shotgun and blows her face off and has to live in a Johnny Got His Gun body prison until she's 90.
since a shock collar didn't instill the desired discipline, the only reasonable thing to do was to kill the excitable and “untrainable” pup
Not try a different training method? Not keep it on a leash? The chickens died because she was fucking negligent, the dog was just following its instincts.
Literally anyone can run against her and win. Hell you could run a fucking clod of dirt with some moss on it and they'd get a landslide victory.
Jesus christ if she wins her reelection after bragging about being a dog-killer, every fucking south dakotan needs to be shoved in a blender, how could you loose to that
I'm getting "the most dangerous game" vibes
What a fucking monstrous ghoul. She should receive similar treatment