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I'm sturggling with German in school and so I thought that consuming any media that is German must help. It actually doesn't, but occasionally I manage to somehow translate a meme and then I get the funnies.
Believe me, it's a good tactic, I got quite profficient in english that way, you just need to find interesting media, you'll learn it in no time!
Yes, it's literally the way I have learned English. But German media is so scarce it's not even funny.
It's usually also not that good. But Germans dub everything. The German dub of Cowboy Bebop is actually really good. (IMHO: better than any sub-translator)
Also, if you're into old games: The gothic series is from Germany and therefore full of fully voiced German.
I reccommend the tv show "der Tatortreiniger", it's a scarce example of good original german Television.
Me looking at all the German comments and feeling left out
Come here brother, let me give you a god ol' english hug.
100% englisch? Dünnes Eis zwiebel. Dünnes Eis!
7x "Sprich" ergibt immerhin eine Deutsch-Quote von ~27%
Danke mein lieber Hofmathematiker. Das eis hat sich damit um 27% verdickt.
Aber zwiebel pass trotzdem auf 😤
I don't follow this sub, and still getting german posts on a regular basis
Legit tempted to learn German because the meme pool is so dam high
If some volunteers always translated and explained the posts on this sub that go over 100 upvotes I would've known German by now.
I like trying to figure it out. It's one of my favorite things about Lemmy that I can find non US focused communities.
I don't even follow the sub lol, it just hits my front page anyways, y'all are great though.
Am I doing this correctly?
a bit too early (its not wednesday ma dude)
I enjoy trying to puzzle posts and comments put from my Duolingo tier knowledge and context clues. On the few occasions I've asked about something grammar wise everyone was very polite and helpful. Top tier community
As a non-german-speaker, I feel like I get plenty of good laughs out of ich_iel. I only feel like I'm missing out on some of the best posts.
Danke schön! Ich lerne immer noch Deutsch und finde die Memes lustig!
I thought I knew German decently, this place has made my brain hurt.
What we do is called "Zangendeutsch", which means, that we force translate everything into German, even if the translation is absolute bullshit or completely wrong.
~~even~~ especially if the translation is absolute bullshit or completely wrong.
i like looking at your funny word memes and imagining what it could be about
If you have two possibilitys what a meme could be about, its always the one thats more stupid.
I studied German around 20 years ago, but have forgotten most of it. It's fun to see what I can still understand when posts pop up.
Pretty close to learning German so I can shitpost here
Thanks. I love this place even though I only fully understand like one post a month lol