End the war in Gaza with a complete Israeli victory, she means
The Dredge Tank
The Dredge Tank. For posting all the low tier reactionary bullshit that you can't post anywhere else. Got some bullshit from Reddit with 2 upvotes and want to share, post it here.
This community was created with the purpose that Rule 8 fans will just block it.
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End the war in gaza? That's weird. All the comments in there seem to imply she said that she'd end the genocide.
The only way Politicians know how to stop genocide is to complete it.
Which is exactly why she said it with such specific verbiage.
Then if she wins, she'll propose 'ceasefires' that aren't worth the words used to write them, they'll be shot down by anyone sensible, but the press and state department will code it as 'Hamas terrorists who refuse to return prisoners' or whatever, and it will continue until Palestine falls or Israel runs out of money/bodies.
But at least they'll all get to say she tried. Like how Obama 'just didn't have the votes' to do anything ever, she 'couldn't get them to accept a peace'. So they'll just bury that and try not to think about it, like all the other literal and metaphorical bodies they're responsible for putting in the earth.
Aaaand I'm banned.
I guess I need to come up with a new username
Taking bets on whether any of the equally toxic people yelling back at me catch a ban without the added element of wrongthink
The best thing about getting banned from a community on lemmy is how it still pings your inbox every time one of these smug motherfucking genocide deniers does a last word on you
Lol thinking they care. One admin said yes they're being a dick but not to the point we'd act.
Although that was also after their said nothing needed to be done about terrible moderation on their comms because not had happened after the reported issues...
I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did. Good posts though.
hey if she wins and does immediately force israel to pull out, i'll eat my words and vote for her next time
Holy shit this one is especially wild.
"you have to vote for Harris because she'll end the genocide, except the president can't end the genocide, but if she loses then Russia will do the genocide. In fact the genocide is just a fact of life, so vote for the Democrat"
Liberals have had their brains completely scrambled
Yes, the US is enabling genocide, but have you considered that for some reason if we stopped enabling genocide that the malevolent Russians might enable the genocide in our place? We can't lose our sphere of genocidal influence!
It's literally "you have to vote for harris or somebody else might be the one doing the genocude and don't you want the genocide being done by a responsible statesman?"
This is how they justify US imperialism too. “If we don’t do it then China and Russia will.”
Do I come off as someone who uses insults reflexively? I'm not just 'coming up with insults.' I'm really trying to express in words the exact problem I have with that person.
This is a problem I have. ~~I have a friend~~ There is a lib in my life (who at one point was very important to me) who is very much "I believe we can rationally debate these points and if you'll just listen to my reasoning instead of resorting to insults you'll understand where I'm coming from" and I'm like "I am not resorting to insults, I am insulting you. I am not engaging in a debate, I'm telling you you are being a shitty person and that I do not want to be around you because you are being a shitty person. Go have your shitty opinions somewhere else."
I really wish I could meet these libs in person and just run incredibly obvious Nigerian prince scams on them in real life.
"You keep saying he's trying to scam me but HE SAID that if I give him $500 he'll send me 10k tomorrow."
Liberals routinely go on these bizarre freestyle rants where they obviously have no fucking clue what they're talking about yet they're speaking with such contemptuous unearned confidence and it just rubs me the wrong way every single time. Like please for the love of god think about the things you say for more than five minutes before you lesser evil your way into committing genocide.
US backed settler-colonialism and genocide is bad BUT WHAT IF RUSSIA DID IT!? ever think of that?
Even if you became president tomorrow
lol fuck that
stabbed a bunch of senators to death
well, now I'm having second thoughts if this is something I could do as president and still remain in office…
and forced the US to withdraw all military aid from Israel
you mean, simply stop arming them and caping for them at the UN/ICC/ICJ? Who would I be forcing? I'm the fucking president! All I have to do is say that "we are a nation of laws" and list out the number of federal and international laws the US was breaking through our complicity, then say "no more. We will no longer aid in this atrocity." Americans don't want to be mired in foreign conflicts to begin with; I would assure them that their voices were heard loud and clear by the RustyVenture regime. Congress (those who weren't stabbed to death, I guess) would get painted into a tight corner and would have to jeopardize their fabled optics in order to check me on it since it's both illegal on its face and their constituents overwhelmingly don't want them to do it. And I'm the kind of motherfucker that would hang every single one of them out to dry if they dared to try.
The U.S. has influence right now. Throwing that influence away would leave Israel seeking other allies, like Russia, who would have no qualms about absolutely ratfucking every living person in the Gaza strip for money and influence.
I think there are some pretty effective ways to "influence" Isn'treal to stop that this holocaust denier is conveniently ignoring (on top of ignoring that our "influence" is presently just sending more money and bombs to nazis who keep showing and telling us what they'll do with them). This is where as president, a week after making the "nation of laws" statement, I would announce that we are commanding our forces already in the region to begin taking measures to avoid further bloodshed, withholding arms for "defense," and ultimately threatening the zionist entity with lethal force if they attempt to continue their holocaust. My UN ambassador would be providing testimony to undermine their attempts at cover-ups. I would use the entire weight of the national security apparatus and post-9/11 legal frameworks to justify things like sanctions, further embargoes, travel bans, product bans, etc. at home. I'd be sending escorts to help keep journalists and aid workers from getting murdered by the IOF abroad.
Russia's busy right now, and China wants the opposite of whatever theremoved colony wants. Neither country is going to take a bullet for some ethnostate, especially given how much it's hurting
on the world stage. I'd sooner expect them to send missiles to Hamas lol.
This tired talking point also ignores that the zionist entity would need to swap over entire supply chains to another country/countries that absolutely do not have the same presence or enjoy the same latitude in the region that the US does. That won't happen overnight, or in any timely sort of manner. They'd also have to contend with the US actively blocking those shipments for a change! The occupation would definitely not be operating with the same indifference to their own precarious existence without the backing of their colonial master. If that doesn't force some action, so be it. Time to turn those passive measures into active ones, to say nothing of all of Isn'treal's neighbors rightfully take advantage of their vulnerabilities. And the die will be cast. I would be selling this vision to the American people in front of every microphone and camera I see. It would become unavoidable. People would support it just to get me to talk about something else. It's a win-win.
I really don’t want you people to have to find out the hard way just how fucking stupid all of this anti-Harris shit is so close to the election.
Because that would mean that millions of Palestinians would be killed when the current genocide is turned up to 11 after President Trump gives Netanyahu a blank check. I really don’t want that. Stop trying to get Trump elected please.
Then stop serving Trump. You can’t be against any of the things he stands for, including genocide, if you’re trying to swing this election in his favor.
Abstaining from voting for Harris in a swing state is tantamount to a half vote for Trump.
Can someone explain this logic to me? Why is a vote for not-Harris also a vote for Trump, but a vote for not-Trump isn't a vote for Harris? If I'm not voting for either of them, shouldn't it break even?
He'll if you're not voting for either of them that actually means you're voting for the other one twice meaning you cast two ballots.
Why are libs so against democracy they insist on only voting 50% as much as possible.
I'm starting to think they might have some flaws in their logic.
Also this goes both ways right? He's giddy to rub it in non harris voters face when the genocide is still happening. That means if she wins and the genocide keeps happening we get to rub it in their face and they'll admit we're right, right?
No? They're just going to keep saying we don't understand how politics wo4ks even though we were right and they were wrong for the 50th consecutive time? Damn....
If you were going to vote D but then switch to R, that's a two vote swing (one less for D, one more for R). If you were going to vote D but instead simply don't vote, that's only a one vote swing. One is half of two. One, notably, is not one half, but they're pretty close
She has been calling for a ceasefire before she was nominated for President. Remember the six week ceasefire she talked about when Brandon was running? When many thought she would be the more moderate alternative to Brandon because of how unpopular he is/was.
Calling for ceasefire is like calling for world peace, something which liberals accuse leftists of saying. How do you do it? Reducing nukes? Saying you want world peace won't do shit.
Not that most people would believe her but she should say "I support an arms embargo on Israel.".
Not that most people would believe her but she should say "I support an arms embargo on Israel.".
Well sure. She was part of that cynical rhetorical ploy that forced all of us into being more explicit with that demand. Turning 'ceasefire' into 'temporary pause in the genocide for Hamas to capitulate to every zionist demand'
When libs talk about ceasefire they mean just long enough to get those Oct 7 hostages they make so much noise about so Israel can take a shot at making their genocide even more indiscriminate somehow.
Libs are so fucking insufferable
Waiting until the last minute to say something that could have helped her weeks/months ago.
Guess all the staffers decided to stop offering "advice" to Kamala this close to the election.
She didn't even say it though. And if she even did say 'genocide' it would be contradicted by everything else she's said.
Has she ever called it a genocide?
End the genocide by personally taking part!
That means absolutely nothing and it's too late. What the hell was she thinking?
I need to pander as hard as I can
to our brave soldiers in the posting trenches
I'm making some people big mad with my Stein vote