Winning behaviour is when you antagonize a third of the world's population lmao
World News
"You know those guys that are kind of buddy buddy with Russia but have abstained from giving any aid unlike what the West has done for us? Lol what if we pissed them off real good? "
That's the point! Ukraine really sees itself as the center of the world currently, and anyone who is not cheering for them, they think is against them. Reddit country.
But they are the ones who are totally able to analyze the consequences of their moves lol
Too much ropey-dope not enough thinking ahead in this game of chess boxing.
Keep it up, Ukronazis. Keep prodding the sleeping dragon. A dragon that still yet approaches you with offers of peace, friendship, and mutual prosperity.
Woe the day the dragon is scorned, Nazi fucks.
Now hold your horses, Ukraine isn't completely isolated in the world just yet. I am sure he will come out next week with a well-pondered, nuanced, and diplomatic statement about Africans
"See those guys over there? The one country on earth capable of producing both 152mm and 155mm howitzer rounds in the quantities I desperately need?
Let's call them stupid and see what happens."
China really said: Impressive. Very nice. Let's see what you really meant by that.
Country with 30 years of existance lectures millenial cultures on how to see the world
millenial cultures
China and India would be super powers already if they hadn't spent all their money on avocado toast SMH.
intellectual potential is when you plunge your country into a civil war and then keep escalating it until you're at war with a neighboring power because you just hate russians that much
china lacks that
Hey, Ukraine is a country that goes international with that. I mean how many Americans even heard of Ukro before 2022. At least they are dying with tears on the cheeks of western libs. The western libs are crying in buckets.. That means something. That's why Ukraine's 2nd language is english and they have changed the slavic Christmas to english christmas... See.. Great achievement.
To be fair, they did heard of Ukraine before 2022. They're a lot of yelling and screaming back in 2014-2015 after Crimea succeeded from Ukraine, which lots of American loss their shit because you shouldn't have the self-determination that doesn't align with Westerner's agenda, apparently.
Podoliak isn’t the first high-ranking Ukrainian official to make derogatory remarks about Asian countries. In August, Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, suggested that Asian people were less humane compared to Europeans, including Ukrainians. “I’m fine with Asians, but Russians are Asians. They have a completely different culture, vision. Our key difference from them is humanity,” Danilov said. (RT)
"im fine with asians, but russians are asians [...] our key difference is humanity". 😐
Dr. Bashar al-Assad: World famous eye surgeon, man of the people, speaks fluent English whenever he wants the imperialists to hear what he has to say
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Washed up comedian, corrupt politician, stammers in broken English whenever he wants to beg for more useless wunderwaffen.
is he ever going to give up on the military cosplay?
His closet is going to look like military surplus Doug for the rest of his life.
Absolutely no.
This could be an ad for why you shouldn't do coke
Both have carefully cultivated public images. One is fighting for his nation's future and wants to show his people that they'll get through this adversity with dignity, the other is fighting for US funding and wants to show the US public that he really does need every penny he can get.
Its generally considered a bad move to piss off one major power but Ukraine has managed to piss off two.
Fascism is self destruction, the reactionary forces cannot stop themselves so they just keep pissing off every other interest group until they die.
Great foreign policy strategy by the wannabe nazis
I can explain that! Podoliak is tormented by a neural affliction that is very common in the Western world, known to medical professionals as Redditis ugabuga, or in more common usage, "the Digital Disease".
This illness has both extraordinary rates and means of transmission, since it appears to spread via the visual centre of the brain perceiving digital signals from a screen. The disease vectors, so-called Nazions - vulgo Hitler particles - originate on websites, typically 4chan or Parler, and gather in the frontal lobe where they execute an SQL injection disabling the parts of the brain responsible for logic, critical thinking, and general conduct. They may also attempt to install a payload insisting that the patient's own nationality, ethnicity, ideology, religion, or language would be particularly close to Anglo-Saxon culture and therefore superior.
Symptoms involve frequent lapses in communication (both oral and written), poor judgement of oneself and others, social media addiction, putrid exudations, slouching posture, proneness to scams, and a diminishing social life. In advanced stages this may lead to a solitary life entirely devoid of meaning, pleasure, and joy.
As the disease becomes terminal, the spine of the patient increases its curvature to such a degree that their upper body folds forward by 180° (although some patients may insist it is 360°) such that the head then enters the rectum. At this point, anything that is fed to the patient has already gone through several rounds of premastication and digestion. In terms more apprehensible to the understanding of the anatomic layman, Podoliak "has their head up their ass", and "is full of their own shit".
i mean, ukrops can't even explain it, because being a racist prick doesn't require precisely high intellectual potential....
When asked to comment on the statements by Podoliak during a briefing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said: “I don’t know the background of this person’s remarks, but he should clarify them.”
Pretty clickbait titles for this words
Make no mistake, the "They should clarify their remarks" is diplomat speak for "This guy better check himself before he wrecks himself."
Am I misreading or is this article a bit misleading?
When asked to comment on the statements by Podoliak during a briefing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said: “I don’t know the background of this person’s remarks, but he should clarify them.”
Is this the "demand"? its the only actualy quote Im seeing, I am very tired tho
Diplomacy demand.
"He should clarify them" roughly equates to "MFer better think long and hard about what they say next".
It seems (to me) to be a soft demand outwardly as China is both trying to avoid the US and western nations being able to paint them as just being pro-Russia instead of neutral (and trying to find a way to maybe be the ones to bring peace). While also still not just letting it slide. Which if Ukraine does stupidly make worse in their reply, will only help move basically all of Asia away due to calling them all stupid because of race. Which also gives the de-Nazification argument for Russia starting the special operation a boost.
ofc high intellectual potential is when you put everything in your country in a fire sale that makes even your average black friday deal stores blush
The aide accused China, India and also Türkiye of “earning money” on the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.
Was Blinken off to the side holding up cue cards for him?
Nah, that's just what western media does - project. Some comrades here have put it nicely: "Every accusation is a confession". Look at any accusation lobbed by the media at the designated enemy. Odds are, NATO/USA had done it at some point or is currently doing it